What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
I have over 30 publications, mostly romance and love stories. My most controversial novel is called Combustion, which is a powerful love story that readers have suggested should be on the required reading list for every high school in the world. In Combustion, readers see an emotional sexual assault through the eyes of the guy. My most popular fiction is a YA sports romance series is called All’s Fair in Love and Sports. I also have a romance/coming-of-age series called Rock Star Redemption, an action/adventure/romance series called Royal Family Saga, and several stand-alone romance/love stories that are LDS Christian fiction.
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
I’ve been writing and playacting since I was a little girl. I wrote my first novel in junior high but threw it away! What I wouldn’t give to have that manuscript back! My first published work was a poem in my junior high yearbook. My second published work was my master’s thesis. I didn’t write fiction again until I ran out of Twilight novels to read. Now I write the books I’d like to find on the shelves of bookstores and libraries. I love my characters and I love my readers.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Oddly, the highlights of my career so far come in the little moments. Every day, I publish a blog called Chapter-A-Day where I (courageously) publish unedited chapters from my current Work-in-Progress on my website and readers give me feedback. Sometimes, the feedback is critical. Usually, I’m told all the things my readers loved about the chapter and how they refresh the screen every little while, hoping the next chapter has been posted. The best compliments I receive are “I cried during chapter ten!” or “I didn’t see that twist coming!” or “I couldn’t put the book down!” Those are the highlights.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
Get better covers for your books! People really do judge a book by its cover. My first published book was called The Cove and I found a beautiful photograph of the lake where I grew up with a pretty sunset. The book is not about the lake and the sunset. It’s a love story between the two main characters. Once I had a professional cover designed, the book started selling. Also, research the names of books and carefully select a title that conveys the genre. People search for books with keywords. Learn the keywords for your genre.

What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
Write as much as you possibly can. Learn your craft. Don’t get distracted by the newest exciting thing but be open to new technology. Hire professionals to do the things you’re not good at or things that don’t have to be done by you. Anyone can do the dishes, mow the lawn, balance the checkbook, or shop for groceries. Only you can write the words in your head.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
My readers keep me inspired. I’ve had many readers tell me they refresh their screen hoping my next chapter has been posted. I can’t let them down. Receiving positive reviews buoys my resolve to put out the next book. Plus, I just love my own stories. I read back a particular passage and think, Dang, I’m a good writer! What the heck? Did I really write that? Yeah, I did. Vain? Maybe? Delusions of grandeur? Maybe. Do I care? No, not really. Go away, world. I’ve got more stories to write.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
I write all day, every day, as much as I can fit into my day. I don’t find writing to be a job or inconvenience or a chore. My ideal vacation would be for everyone else to go away and let me write all day, every day. I have more stories in my head than I’ll ever be able to get on paper in my lifetime. Until the Lord intervenes and finds a way to force me to stop writing, you will continue to see content emerging from my brain. Writing is my happy place.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
My stories contain a lot of my religious convictions, including maintaining the laws of chastity and healthy living, such as avoiding drugs and alcohol. Although I don’t mean for my books to be preachy, my characters learn things the hard way and thus my readers learn the same lessons. As a convert to the gospel, I’ve seen the world outside the Church, and there are a lot of challenges, especially related to alcohol. A huge percentage of the world’s problems would go away by removing alcohol. I want to be a positive influence on the world.
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