Our Member Spotlight today is Kristen Reber from Saratoga Springs, Utah.
What are the books/products you’ve created?
Book (paperback, e-book, or audio): Early Homecoming: A Resource for Early Returned Missionaries, their Church Leaders, and Family
Podcast: Early Homecoming: Insights from Missionaries who Returned Early
Tell us about your work!
The book Early Homecoming is the product of seven years of thought and casual research, and then six intense months of interviewing, in-depth research, writing, and editing after the book suddenly landed a publishing contract. It is for anyone who came home for any reason, as well as for parents, church leaders, and friends of early returned missionaries. It is filled with academic and spiritual research, anecdotes from myself and other early-returned missionaries, and advice for coping with the sudden loss of a mission either right after losing it or if one is still grieving the loss years later.
The podcast Early Homecoming is a more casual work where I interview those who come home early for any reason, as well as parents and church leaders. I ask them to tell me their story, including the reason they (or their missionary/missionaries) came home, how they coped initially (or are coping so far), and how they have found peace and healing.
What inspired you to become a writer/creative in media?
I have always enjoyed literature. My mom told me that even when I was a baby, she and I “got a lot of good book time in.” I’ve been writing fiction stories for as long as I can remember, but my first book is actually nonfiction, inspired by my own journey of coming home early from a Latter-day Saint mission. My podcast was created as an additional resource for those who come home early and are either unaware of my book or don’t want to/don’t have time to read.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
My audience. Everyone has a unique story. I simply love to watch and listen to people.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
By far it’s been the opportunity to talk to those who have read my book or listen to my podcast and hear how much it has helped them. I am so honored to be part of their healing journey.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
I’m a rather thorough person, but I also know when to hold back. When you read something that I write, you can expect it to be completely thought out. I like to write in a colloquial style, but that doesn’t mean I skimp on the details. When you listen to my podcast, it is a more relaxed atmosphere, but the questions I ask my guests have been either thought out beforehand or are the result of careful listening. I want my audience to feel uplifted and enlightened at the end of a chapter or episode.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative work?
The best advice I’ve ever been given is to be myself. I don’t need to try to be anyone else. While it is important to learn from others and study their work to improve my own craft, when it comes time to create I need to channel my own voice and my own thoughts. People want to hear what I have to say. They don’t want to hear what others are already saying.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
I have found that when I have done my research before writing or creating a podcast, the book or podcast pretty much create themselves. So, the advice I would give is to not underestimate the value of spending a decent amount of time researching and learning before diving into creating.
Do you have a website?
Where can we find you on social media?
Facebook: Early Homecoming page
Instagram: @author_kristenreber
LinkedIn: Kristen Reber
Podcast: Early Homecoming Podcast
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