By Katie Wiscombe, LDSPMA Awards Committee Member
How are you like the following people: Gerald Lund, Sarah Eden, or even Brandon Sanderson? I’m sure most of you would say you are nothing like these amazing Latter-day Saint authors. But really, you would be wrong. You probably have several things in common, but I’m looking for just one. Any guesses? No? Well, let me tell you.
You are like these creators simply because they, too, were once unknown authors with the drive, discipline, and talent to take that first step. The first step for you can be right here. If your dreams are tied up in telling the stories rolling around in your head, you’re in the right place. Let me explain.
In conjunction with our annual Latter-day Saint Publishing & Media Association conference held in October, we offer an opportunity for previously unpublished authors to submit their work to the Praiseworthy Award for Emerging Authors contest. This is a writing contest specifically for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are unpublished and unagented. And this opportunity has a wonderful prize waiting at the finish line for the winners: feedback from the industry professionals at Eschler Editing! What?! Truly, the chance to have a professional in the field help you on your way is worth that first step.

The Details
Now for a little housekeeping. We open for submissions for all genres on May 1, 2021. Fiction submissions are due by June 1, 2021. Nonfiction submissions are DUE by June 15, 2021.
You are welcome to submit up to 2,500 words from any genre and on any topic you would like. Picture books to epic fantasy. Romance to memoir. Historical fiction or nonfiction. Poetry or essays. Do you have a manuscript on how to make goat cheese? Or maybe you have a more serious subject matter that needs to be heard. Send it over. The sky’s the limit. All you need to do is click here for additional information on submitting your manuscript.
Winners will be announced at the conference in October. Besides the feedback from Eschler Editing, all winners and honorable mentions will receive a certificate and a digital badge to post on their social media pages or website.
The Invitation
I hope you follow that voice in your head that encourages you to take that first step. It’s not impossible to think that you could someday be in the same place as those incredible authors above. Nelson Mandela shared some inspired insight on the subject when he said, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” So what are you waiting for? Dust off your manuscript, click the link, and submit your 2,500 words. Impossible no more–you just got it done. One step closer to your dream becoming a reality.
We can’t wait to hear your stories!