I am excited to introduce the new host of LDSPMA’s podcast Called to Create, Connie Sokol. Connie is a bestselling author, a national speaker, a media personality, and a program founder. She is a regular contributor on the top-rated lifestyle show Studio Five with Brooke Walker. She hosts Disciple Thought Leaders Retreats which teach women how to be influential writers, speakers, and media personalities. She is also the mother of seven.
RACHELLE: The podcast’s name is Called to Create. Can you tell us what that means?
CONNIE: Yes, we chose the title Called to Create because it resonates with creative people. There was discussion and prayer about what it could be that would reach the audience, which includes speakers, writers, musicians, publishers, and people trying to express the gospel through creative abilities.
RACHELLE: You definitely nailed the title. How did you get into media?
CONNIE: I feel like Heavenly Father has plugged me in and out of experiences. I started speaking for the Church Education System. I was doing Education Week and Especially for Youth. One thing led to another, and I started doing professional speaking on the side. I had seven kids, so I would do a little bit at a time.
Then Bonneville Communications KSL approached me and asked me to be a host of a women’s radio show. You know that phrase, “Start as you mean to go on”? That was poignant for me. I was going to have another baby, and I said, “I cannot do every day from three to six, but I can give you two days a week from noon to three, because I’m a mom.”
They ended up having three hosts do one schedule for the week so we could all put our families first. And it was beautiful. The radio show kicked this off for me in a big way, and then I was invited to do TV with Brooke Walker. I’ve been doing that for 16 years now. I sort of fell into it, but I was looking for opportunities for the Lord to use me.
It’s not a talk at you podcast. It’s very much like you’re sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a conversation with people who are extraordinary.
RACHELLE: You’re a best-selling award-winning author, you’ve written 18 books, you do TV and podcasting, and you’re a media personality. How does that impact your ability to interview the guests on Called to Create?
CONNIE: I see profoundly how Heavenly Father has placed me in different situations so that when I’m interviewing these guests—like Lisa Valentine Clark, Al Carraway, The Jets—I’m able to connect. I understand what it takes to publish a book. I’ve done traditional publishing and self-publishing. I’ve had an agent. I have all these different experiences that the Lord has plugged me in and out of, just enough to be able to connect.
That’s one of the things I love about this podcast. It’s not a talk at you podcast. It’s very much like you’re sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a conversation with people who are extraordinary. They’re showing us by their process how they made it happen. My experience really helps me to go deep, fast. Through shared experiences we can laugh and learn together and have juicy, enriching conversations.
RACHELLE: We are lucky to have you. Tell us how you connected with LDSPMA?
CONNIE: Well, I’ve had my own podcast. We’re coming up on 180 episodes, and it’s been great. I’ve had wonderful guests on there, like New York Times bestselling authors. Then at the beginning of last year, I had this feeling like I needed to do more with my podcast. But it was already going well, and I didn’t understand what it meant.
A few months later, the thought of LDSPMA resonated, and I was like, I wonder if they have a podcast? When I asked, it just so happened that their original host, who had done a great job, was leaving and they were looking for a new host.
I contacted them and we immediately connected. We had the same vision, of getting this out and increasing the reach, and it’s been incredible already. We put 14 episodes in the can within two and a half months. It was unbelievable. The miracles fell into place.
RACHELLE: Can you tell us what’s your favorite part of the podcast process?
CONNIE: We have a beautiful team, and we laugh, and we have all these incredibly talented volunteers. We’re all volunteers. We’re just doing this for Him. So that’s a really fun piece.
But I think the guests have been incredible—the things that they’ve shared from their heart, the way they’ve shared the gospel in unexpected ways. I’m interviewing The Jets, and they’re talking about a Book of Mormon with Boy George; and then Al Caraway and how when she first came on the scene she was so passionate about the gospel, and then people just shredded her, and she really had to get tight with Heavenly Father. Moments like that where one minute you’re laughing, and one minute you’re crying.
It’s just the most wonderful experience and blessing to peek into the lives of these amazing people, and I am bettered by every single interview that I have done.
If you have felt called to share His message through your creative abilities, this is the podcast for you.
RACHELLE: What will audience members get from listening to this podcast?
CONNIE: So much. I think tools might be your biggest surprise. We make sure they give takeaways so that you’ll come away with something every podcast to help on your creative journey. What are some of the how-tos? How did they get started in the speaking business? When you hear a show tool, you will just be blown away. You will want to jump out of your chair and become a speaker.
But it’s these tools, these takeaways, these tips that you can start putting into your life regardless of what genre you’re in. You can apply them and start seeing the difference. You’re going to get great stuff.
RACHELLE: For people who don’t listen to many podcasts or don’t think they have the time, what would be a reason to check this one out?
CONNIE: Because it will impact your life. If you have felt called to share His message through your creative abilities, this is the podcast for you, even if you don’t listen to any other podcast. If you have felt a rumble, if you felt called to speak or write a book, or to do something in social media, or to be a musician or an artist or whatever, this will help you on your creative journey for Him.
This is all about: How do we apply the gospel? How do we navigate the intersection of faith, creativity, and professional skill? How do we make those hard choices that keep us on the straight and narrow to do what we came here to do? That’s the difference in this podcast. It is part devotional, part scripture, part life experience, part kitchen table chat. You’re getting all the things in one podcast.
RACHELLE: Connie, what is one thing that you feel Called to Create?
CONNIE: As you know, I help women with the Disciple Thought Leadership Retreats to do this very thing, so they can get in and make it happen. But beyond that and my family, it’s this podcast.
I really do feel “called to create” with this wonderful team. We feel so strongly about Elder Bednar’s invitation to sweep the earth as with a flood on media, particularly social media.
We yearn to help every person who feels called to be able to get their message out, to be distinct and different and articulate, to have the tools and the inspiration. And when they’re like, “I’m so done,” like in Alma when they talk about “when our hearts were depressed and we were ready to turn back,” right? They listen to this podcast, they listen to an episode, and they’ll be like, I can do this. I can keep going. I get what He wants me to do, and I’ll just take the next right step. That’s what we hope.
Fabulous. I love that. This is such a treat. I am really glad that we got to know Connie Sokol a little bit better today. We are so fortunate to have her, I am so excited for the podcast this new season, so everybody listen in. We have a lot of great information in store for you.

Author Profile
Rachelle J. Christensen is the award-winning author of over 20 books, a mother of 5, and organizer of 75+ chickens raised annually by her family. Rachelle enjoys online marketing and harnessing the power of social media. She has worked with a multi-million dollar worldwide company, publishers, and dozens of authors, including New York Times bestseller David Farland and celebrity Merrill Osmond.
Rachelle carves out writing time in between home-schooling kids and her work as a writing and marketing coach for authors. She graduated cum laude from Utah State University with a degree in Psychology and a minor in Music.
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