Our Member Spotlight this week is Dr. Trina Boice from Las Vegas, Nevada.
What inspired you to become a writer and creative in media?
I love learning and then sharing what I’ve learned with others. As a little girl, I always knew that I’d be a writer, although I didn’t know exactly what I’d be writing about! I started collecting inspiring quotes and ideas when I was only seven years old. I kept them in a little box, which grew into a dozen filing cabinets full of content. Thank goodness we can scan documents into our computer now! That little box has turned into 31 best-selling books and even a daily podcast where I feature inspiring quotes! I’ve always loved clever wordplay, foreign languages, and different ways of communicating. Would you believe I actually liked diagramming sentences in middle school? My kids think I’m such a nerd. They’re right.
Tell us about your work!
My life is definitely a work in progress! I teach online for Brigham Young University and create online courses at LifelongLearningEducation.com. I’m a movie critic at MovieReviewMom.com and was named the California Young Mother of the Year in 2004, an award that completely amuses my four sons. I’m an author coach at FromBook2Business.com and love helping writers increase their income and impact through their words.
A few years ago, I taught classes at the famous Le Cordon Bleu Culinary College and have the weight gain to prove it. Prior to that, I worked as a Legislative Assistant for a Congressman in Washington, D.C., and was given the “Points of Light” Award and Presidential Volunteer Service Award for my domestic and international community service. I was selected by KPBS in San Diego to be a political correspondent for a time. Needless to say, I love variety! If I told you what I really did, I’d have to kill you.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
I love to learn and I’m inspired by the world around me. My desk overlooks my backyard where I can see beautiful flowers and watch the birds play. Music definitely puts me in the writing zone.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
I like a clean workspace, although I also surround myself with things that make me smile. On my desk, I have four computer monitors, because I’m always working on various documents and watching a movie to review simultaneously.
Also on my desk are some cute little souvenirs from countries around the world where I have traveled. I absolutely love to travel and am usually busy planning my next trip. Additionally, I have a little statue on my desk of Groot, from the movie Guardians of the Galaxy, simply because he makes me smile. Next to Groot is a sign with my name engraved on it in Mandarin from a speech I gave in China in front of 500 people. (I have a big desk!)
I also love to smell good things, so I have a pretty diffuser for essential oils wafting around my desk while I create. In addition, I have an inspirational quote and the scriptures to remind me what’s most important in my life. And finally, I have a picture of my awesome family on my desk. If I can plop down at my computer with a good snack, good music, and occasional YouTube videos of funny animals, I’m happy and creative!
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
The book I’m probably the proudest of is one that won’t ever earn a single cent: my doctoral degree dissertation! It took me over three years to write, but you won’t find it in bookstores anywhere. It’s currently only available in academic libraries. Nerd alert!
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative work?
I interviewed actor/songwriter/storyteller Marvin Payne. He simply and wisely said, “It’s not about you. Serve your audience.” So true.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
Just do it! The world needs your talents. If you truly believe in your project, don’t give up. Writing a book and getting a book published can be hard work, but persistence in this industry definitely pays off. Get a platform. Publishers want writers who aren’t a “one-trick pony,” but who have a platform, an established fan base, and who can create multiple products. Write about what you’re passionate about.
What are the books/products you’ve created?
- Family home evening and Sunday Lessons For Kids: Topics From A to Z
- Base Hits and Home Run Relationships: What Women Wish Guys Knew
- The Ultimate Mystery Shopping Guide: How To Get Paid To Eat, Shop, & Play
- Baby Announcement Ideas and Gender Reveals: 200 Creative Ways to Share Your Great News
- How To Crush the Teenage Years Like A Boss: Life Hacks for Latter-day Saint Youth
…as well as 26 other titles available on Amazon and elsewhere.
Podcast: “Daily Inspirational Quote With Trina Boice”
Online Courses at Lifelong Learning Education:
- Morning Ritual Magic
- Managing Stress, Anxiety, & Depression
- The Ultimate Guide to Mystery Shopping
- Emergency Preparedness for Peace of Mind
- Nutrition for Vibrant Health
…and 5 more, with other courses coming soon!
Movie Reviews:
Written reviews at MovieReviewMom.com
Video reviews on Youtube under the handle Movie Review Mom
Author Coach: From Book 2 Business
Where can we find you on social media?
Twitter: @TrinaBoice
Instagram: @TrinaBoice
Pinterest: @TrinaBoice
Facebook: Movie Review Mom (Facebook group)
Fans of Author Trina Boice (page)
Lifelong Learning Education (Facebook group)
From Book 2 Business (Facebook group)
Empty Nest Travel Hacker (Facebook group)
Daily Inspirational Quote (Facebook group)
YouTube: Movie Review Mom channel
Empty Nest Travel Hacker channel
Lifelong Learning Education channel
Free gift: Finding Joy Today
Patreon: Movie Review Mom
Thanks for the shout-out! I love LDSPMA!
The world is a better place because of your writing contributions.