Ilyan Lavanway lives in Lehigh, Kansas.
First, tell us about your unique name!
I asked my dad about the meaning of my name. He told me he named me by inspiration, which is especially significant to me, given the fact that my parents knew nothing about the Church until I was three years old. They were introduced to the gospel by a bishop who owned a farm in Connell, Washington. My parents were renting a house on his land. My parents were baptized when I was three years old, and have remained active, raising me in the Church. According to my dad, my first name, Ilyan, has origins in several countries and means Superior, Gentleman, Gentle.
Also interesting is the fact that while my dad was inspired to name me as he did, he said he did not learn the meanings of my names until after the fact. He said my pediatrician, Dr. Vernie from Holland, told him my middle name, Kei, means Stone or Rock. My last name, Lavanway, comes from French origins and means Keeper of the way, or Keeper of the front gate. My dad said his inspiration in naming me has proven accurate. I appreciate knowing that, and I realize it gives me a lot to live up to.
What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
My Spiritual Horizons Expander Pack is a growing collection of eleven out of over two dozen books I have published. These eleven books include: Pondering the Atonement of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon Answers the Fermi Paradox, Eternal Family Structures Among Exalted Couples, Nature of The Godhead, Onions of Eternity, The Grandeur of Christmas and the Son of God, Circumscription Hypothesis, Thought Log 2015.08.17.1900, Intelligent Universe, Paradise and Spirit Prison, What Happens at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Most of these books are short reads, but all invite lengthy pondering, deep thought, exploratory personal scripture study, and personal revelation. Another is called An Aviator At Heart, which is about my teenage years as an aviator. Hopefully, it’ll inspire other young ones out there!
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
When I was a pathologically shy fourteen-year-old boy, I was told in a priesthood blessing that I have the ability – which means responsibility – to teach and to project myself to my fellow man. I was promised that I would be a full-time missionary, and that I would bring many souls into an understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a later blessing, I was promised that complex things would become simple and easy to understand. I consider it my lifelong responsibility as a member missionary to be anxiously engaged in gathering Israel through my personal written works.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Soon after launching The Book of Mormon Answers the Fermi Paradox, and sending hundreds of emails inviting NASA and SETI scientists to read it, a senior scientist from The Mars Institute and SETI responded. Although he maintained his secular perspective and disagreed with the content of my book, he was kind and continued an email conversation with me for several days. The Holy Ghost helped me address his arguments. Later, I was invited to write an article about my book for a science website. Having answered the SETI scientist, I was prepared, but my article was not published as promised.

What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
“Do not become discouraged when trials come to you, for all men must overcome the adversities of life in order to achieve perfection.”
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
I would pass along the same advice given to me. I have discovered during my endeavors to invite others to read my written works, that fat too often I encounter total rejection. Much of it is mean and abrupt. All of it is unfounded. Such rejection presents opportunities to be forgiving, and to press on, undaunted.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
Something my dad said to me, after I shared with him a particularly hurtful rejection, inspired me. My dad told me, “Son, you are a voice crying in the wilderness, and a light shining in darkness.” My dad also told me, “Son, I love reading your work. It makes me think and feel.” Encouragement like this, and the influence of the Holy Ghost, and sheer determination to not be silenced keep me forging ahead. Personal insights that come to me as I study and ponder the scriptures and the words of latter-day prophets and apostles constitute ongoing inspiration in my creative work.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
Searching the mysteries of God and then sharing and discussing them is part of declaring repentance, affording and inviting a change of mind and heart that gives us a fresh view about God, about ourselves, and about the world. The deep things of God point us right back to the first principle of the gospel, which is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The mysteries of God point us right back to the first law of heaven, which is obedience. This expanded perspective of what it means to declare repentance is the foundation and the core of my creative process.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
While few and far between, positive reader feedback is one indicator. For example, one reader said of The Book of Mormon Answers the Fermi Paradox, “I love this book. It was clearly written and answers questions I’ve had for years. The author writes in a way that’s simple to understand but informative.” Of course, reader reviews are not decisive indicators of merit. I know I am a voice for good because my books are an integral part of my personal testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. By the word of my testimony, I can help defeat the Adversary.
I have taken the initiative to produce a short, two-part video series of The Book of Mormon Answers the Fermi Paradox, narrated by a simple text-to-speech system.
Part One is fifteen minutes.
The Book of Mormon Answers The Fermi Paradox by Ilyan Kei lavanway Part 1 of 2
Part Two is seven minutes.
The Book of Mormon Answers The Fermi Paradox by Ilyan Kei lavanway Part 2 of 2
YouTube playlist containing both parts:
That’s twenty-two minutes of pondering the infinite and eternal majesty of our Creator, Jesus Christ. It’s one small and simple invitation to look upward and consider the works of God that extend beyond our own myopic perspectives.
Twenty-two minutes to investigate “a change of mind and heart that gives us a fresh view about God, about ourselves, and about the world.”
Please watch and share. This is an integral part of my personal testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I discovered it through years of diligent personal scripture study, and I am supposed to share it, so please indulge me in my efforts to do so in this creative manner.
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