Sue Lamoree is from Camano Island, Washington
What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
I wrote The True Adventures of Carbon (a middle-grade novel). My short stories appear in the following anthologies (two are listed under the name Susan Hutchinson): The Healing Touch of Horses: Stories of Courage, Hope and the Transformative Power of the Human/Equine Bond; Horse Crazy: Women and the Horses They Love; and A Cup of Comfort for Dog Lovers: Stories that Celebrate Love, Loyalty, and Companionship.
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
Twenty-six years ago, I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis (TM) which resulted in partial paralysis from the neck down. Through the grace of my Heavenly Father, I learned to accept and manage my situation with humor and dignity. I soon realized the journey isn’t easy and we can often benefit from the support of others. This insight inspired me to share my humorous, spiritual, and sometimes challenging anecdotes about life from a quadriplegic perspective.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
When one of my blog posts reached an individual who had been newly diagnosed with TM, we corresponded for a short period of time in which I felt our conversations may have helped dampen her fears associated with the unknowns of her new life. Most individuals with spinal cord injuries (myself included) start out with a minimal understanding of the resources available to them. I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with people to lighten their concerns.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
Don’t just get into the head of your characters; follow their emotional journey as well. Delve deep into their feelings and demonstrate those emotions through actions, conversation, and consequences rather than telling the reader how the character feels. Readers are more likely to stay engaged in a story if they can identify with the character’s emotional transformation. And always deliver on your promises. Whatever the story presents as the premise, make sure it’s resolved, good or bad.

What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
Always write from the heart despite what’s considered popular and write for yourself whether you think it will sell or not. I’ve learned through my own process that writers love to write—so write!
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
I really hope that my message reaches individuals facing any type of adversity. Life can be full of joy regardless of our circumstances as long as we allow ourselves to turn things over to our Heavenly Father. I have experienced His love and recognized His hand in my life more than I ever have. The world actually opened up to me since my diagnosis, and I have blossomed in a way I didn’t think possible. I want to share those experiences with others and hope to lift a few heads in the process.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
I don’t really have a creative process. I draw from things that are familiar to me and my own experiences. Then I just let the characters speak for themselves and write, rewrite, rewrite, and rewrite.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
My stories tend to focus on the positive aspects of my life, and I find humor in almost everything that happens to me. By sharing these perspectives in my writing and the podcasts I’ve participated in I’ve been able to demonstrate that we can always find a way to view life from a half-full vantage point.
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