Welcome to Latter-day Saints in Publishing, Media & the Arts (LDSPMA). LDSPMA seeks to nurture a diverse, caring community of creators in which every participant is accepted and valued both for their unique identity and for their unique creative contributions. We have many characteristics in common, including our identity as children of God, a desire to create and be a voice for good, and a natural inclination to care for everyone we meet.
When Jesus was asked what was the great commandment in the law, he said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,” then added, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:37, 39). Members and participants are expected to love and act according to this standard of Christlike regard as we create and sustain a community centered at the intersection of faith, creativity, and professional skill.
LDSPMA-sponsored events provide spaces for safe and inclusive teaching and dialogues through which all participants can learn and connect in a spirit of unity, mutual respect, and charity toward all. This harmony will empower us to radiate divine light as we create the praiseworthy works we will share with the world.
The LDSPMA Board of Directors
September 1, 2021