November 18: Heeding the Spiritual Call to Create
A discussion with songwriter and author Michael Young
How can we as Latter-day Saint Christians heed the call to consecrate our time and talents to the Lord? Author and songwriter Michael Young will share his experience writing and collaborating on 100 songs submitted for the new Hymnbook and Children’s Songbook. Michael will share how he was able to succeed through both spiritual preparation and networking and give us tips on how we can apply these strategies in our own creative pursuits!
Bio: Michael teaches in a German immersion program and enjoys acting in community theater and writing music. He played with the Handbell Choir Bells on Temple Square for several years and is now a member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. He is the author of the novels in The Canticle Kingdom Series, The Last Archangel Series, The Chess Quest Series, and The Penultimate Dawn Cycle, as well as the nonfiction work The Song of the Righteous. He runs several podcasts, including Chapter and Verse, The Carols of Christmas, and Songs for All Seasons.