The LDSPMA Mentoring Program
Update: Applications for our 2024 mentoring program have closed. Please check back in early 2025!
Program Highlights
- One-on-one mentoring with modest compensation for mentors
- 4–6 month commitment
- Various options to choose from
- Mutually agreed-upon pairings
- Payments arranged through LDSPMA
- Content follows gospel standards (of course)
The 2024 round of LDSPMA’s one-on-one mentoring program aims to move the inspired projects of its members forward, help members advance in their careers, and increase our collective impact on a world struggling to recognize its Savior and welcome His embrace.
Our very first round, organized last year, achieved greater-than-expected success. This year, we’re hoping for an increase in interest–particularly on the mentee side–and results across a broader range of interests, including music, film, and art.

How It Works
Our formal mentoring program will help pair up interested mentors and mentees for a four-to-six-month period. The following six styles of mentoring will be available through our mentor and mentee application forms:
- Series of video chats:
- 2 hours for $40
- 5 hours for $100
- Review and critique of a project, marketing plan, etc.:
- 2 hours for $60
- 5 hours for $150
- 10 hours for $300
- Email exchanges on specific questions:
- 2 hours for $30
Please note the following:
- Mentees can only receive one method of mentoring for this mentoring period.
- Mentor time includes coordinating communication methods and delivering feedback.
- Mentors and mentees will be responsible for setting up their own video calls through their preferred video call methods. LDSPMA will not be providing video call coordination.
- Mentors and mentees will decide together the best method of giving and receiving feedback, including annotation, email, or video. Mentors are expected to leave time to discuss their feedback with the mentee.
LDSPMA does not keep a portion of the payments from the mentees–100% is passed to the mentors, unless they decide to forego payment.
All mentor and mentee applications for the 2024 session must be received by April 20, 2024.
Once the deadline has passed, MENTORS should expect a list of potential MENTEES to arrive shortly by email. Mentees will be contacted with mentorship offers within about three weeks. We ask that both mentors and mentees respond to emails within a week in order to help the pairing process run smoothly. We are hopeful that pairings can be worked out by the end of May 2024.
As you consider applying to be a mentor, a mentee, or both, please consider the following:
- All work related to the mentoring program should maintain the standards of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. This includes no nudity, sex, intense profanity, excessive or graphic violence, belittlement of traditional family values or religion, or glorification of drug use.
- No work related to the mentoring program may contain any form of plagiarism or be in violation of any copyrights. By submitting your work through this program, you are attesting that you are the original owner of any copyrights.
- LDSPMA and its volunteers and staff offer no guarantees with regards to the measured or perceived success of the program to either mentors or mentees, and participation is not guaranteed; LDSPMA volunteers will assist in the matching process based on the data provided through the signup process, but the ultimate decisions will be made by the mentors and mentees.
- LDSPMA and its volunteers and staff are also not liable for any injury, failed business venture, or other harm that may directly or indirectly arise from participation in the program.
- Payment will be coordinated by LDSPMA; no direct payment from mentee to mentor is required. Mentees will be emailed an invoice upon being paired with a mentor. Mentors will be paid once they notify LDSPMA that they have completed the agreed-upon mentoring.
- Mentoring relationships are designed to last 4–6 months, with all agreed upon hours completed during that window.
- Mentoring pricing is not representative of the value of the mentor’s time or equivalent professional services. Mentors are volunteers. Payments by mentees are meant to provide modest compensation for the mentor’s time and to help both mentors and mentees take the commitment more seriously.
- After the mentoring is concluded, mentors and mentees are welcome to continue their relationship, either in a friendship capacity or as formal coaching at the mentor’s regular rates.
Apply to Be a Mentor or Mentee by April 20, 2024
We all engage in the mentoring process every day, as both mentors and mentees. Mentors have always played a vital role in the training up of faithful saints, including for leadership and other service positions in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and in broader society.
Here are some of the responses to our first round of the program in 2023:
This was a genius idea, and I’m glad I was able to benefit from it. Thanks, [Mentor]! Thanks LDSPMA team!”
I wanted to let you know that [Mentee] and I have spent time together discussing her project. We have become fast friends and I have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know her. Thank you for this experience!”
Hi! [Mentee] and I completed our mentoring chats last week! This was super fun, I loved doing it, thanks for the opportunity!”
My mentor was great! I am grateful I got to participate in this mentoring experience.”
[Mentor] and I met via Zoom last night and I was blown away by how much I learned from him and how well he listened and “got me” and my vision. The one visit is already worth the money paid for 5 sessions! I’m so grateful to [Mentor] and for this opportunity! THANK YOU!!!”
I loved having the opportunity! Thank you! Please continue the program!”
It’s been such a wonderful process with visible results and we’ve had the best time working together. We will be continuing to work together which I’m really happy about. Thank you and I’ll be watching for more opportunities.”
We look forward to your participation!
Thank you again,
The LDSPMA Mentoring Committee
Program Highlights
- One-on-one mentoring with modest compensation for mentors
- 4–6 month commitment
- Various options to choose from
- Mutually agreed-upon pairings
- Payments arranged through LDSPMA
- Content follows gospel standards (of course)