Tiffany Thomas lives in Houston, Texas.
What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
I am a blogger. My blog is called “Saving Talents.” Part of the blog’s purpose is to provide free daily devotionals for children that go along with the “Come, Follow Me” program. I also blog about anything that could be useful for someone trying to live a Christ-centered life, which ranges from words of inspiration to finances to recipes. I also have Crohn’s disease, so sometimes I write about dealing with chronic illness.
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
I began homeschooling my children and wanted something about the gospel I could teach them. A month after beginning, “Come Follow Me” was announced, I knew that would be the perfect fit. I saw so many other parents feeling overwhelmed with the responsibility of it, though, so I decided to offer my content for free for others to use.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
I love hearing from other parents about how the devotionals have made a difference in their home. It’s so rewarding to feel like I am helping not only my own children, but other children as well.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
“You can’t please everyone.” Everyone has different tastes and preferences about what they read or use or see. Sometimes, that feedback is helpful, but other times, that feedback is simply an opinion that may or may not fit with your goals. It’s okay to choose to not apply someone’s input about work.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
Find a circle of support. Blogging is an extremely difficult and competitive field. Not only are you writing, but you also have to learn the technology and keep up with changing social media and search engines in order to have success. Having a pod or group of other bloggers who aren’t competitive and are willing to help one another makes all the difference.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
Honestly, it’s the gospel and my testimony. I see on a daily basis how much better my life is because of the knowledge I have about Heavenly Father and His love for me. My relationship with the Savior has lightened many burdens, and I want to pass that on to others who may also be struggling with the burdens that come with this life.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
Blogging is so much more work than just sitting down and writing an article. I have learned so much about data analysis, graphic design, and more. It has forced me to leave my comfort zone and be diligent in my efforts if I want to reach as many people as possible.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
Being a blogger lets me reach a variety of people all around the world that I normally wouldn’t come in contact with. Not only do the devotionals help other young parents bring the gospel into their children’s lives in deliberate ways, but I also can help those who are looking for ways to follow the Savior more closely. Whether that’s in their personal development or their struggles with a chronic illness diagnosis or parenting or homeschooling, hopefully, my experiences have helped ease the path for others who are in similar circumstances.
If Miss Tiffany has a middle name of Nicole, I recently bought one of her books. It’s the quad book that contains The Book of Morman, Doctrines and Covents, Pearl Of Great Price, and the Holy Bible.
She had great notes in the books.