What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
My husband Brent and I are the executive producers of the feature documentary, Remembering Heaven. I am also the author of five books in print: The Announcing Dream, The Castaways, Memories of Heaven, The Memory Catcher, and my first historical novel, A Pawn for a King (based on the life of my 24th great grandmother). For almost thirty years, I have prepared books and related media on a phenomenon called the announcing dream. By definition, an announcing dream is “an announcement in dreams or visions of a child waiting to be born.” A new book, Waiting in the Wings, is coming soon!
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
To be a creator of media came to me as a calling from the still small voice. I told the Lord, “You’ve got the wrong girl.” He said, “I’ve got the right girl.” I could not argue myself out of doing what I felt were His directives to me. So, I prayed. listened, and worked, crossing off in a notebook the directives I put into action. That led to my first book. After that, I knew what it took to write and publish a book. The Lord sent help all along the way. I am a team player.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
My books on souls waiting to be born tend to heal, and even soften hearts toward unborn children. That has been a highlight. It is rewarding to hear from people who write me or come up to me with a child in their arms with the message, “This child is here because of your book.” That has kept me going for so many years. Now, with our film Remembering Heaven, with the stories or pure testimonies of many people who have had these experiences, more will be touched and informed that we are children of God.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
My husband told me years ago, “You won’t reach everyone with your books, but you will help and heal some.” That helped me to know I am doing my best and to enjoy the journey along the way. I do enjoy the journey and the people I meet. It is joyful work and a message to share. We are the children of God and come from His presence before we are born.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
Enjoy your talents. Do not hide them under a bushel but develop them. Let your light shine to the world. The Lord will help us. He knows our missions as artists, writers, and filmmakers. His timing is key. I am in my later years, but it has been worth persevering with what I feel our Father in Heaven wants me to do as a writer and filmmaker. “I’ll go where you want me to go, I’ll say what you want me to say, I’ll be what you want me to be” is my mission statement.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
I need the Lord’s strength and inspiration each day or I am stuck. Scripture study and prayer give me the fuel I need to work each day. I know God wants to give me guidance, so I ask in faith. I have a notebook by my side after prayer and with faith, I ask, “What do I need to do today?” Ideas come to serve others, to visit or call a family member. Almost every day, I spend some time, or lots of time, on my mission as a writer.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
I love the work it takes me to create. I write and rewrite. I’ve rewritten some books many times before I publish them (The Castaways). One book sat in my files for ten years before I felt impressed to publish it (Memories of Heaven). I take my orders from above because it is a sacred work to teach others that they are a child of God. I try to be patient with myself and I try not to beat myself up when a project takes a lot of time and thought. And I love to develop my talents. We were born to create.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
The Lord says in Matthew 7:16-20, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” I have seen children given the gift of life, children invited to be born into a family, and others emotionally healed and comforted from so many of the trials of life. That has been the reward, to feel I am bringing hope and healing to others. It has not always been easy, but looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. I have learned to never give up and to always trust in the Lord’s timing. I have learned to listen to the still small voice.
If you want your spotlight to link to your website or any of your social media platforms, include the URLs here.
Website: www.sarahhinze.com
Facebook: Sarah Hinze
Email: [email protected]
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