What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
- Fight On! World War II and Cold War Experiences of Lt. Commander John R. “Jack” Hubbard USNR
- The Search Never Ends: Musings of John R. “Jack” Hubbard
- Adventures With A Historian: The Life and Times of John R. “Jack” Hubbard
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
It was an accident. I spent many years proofreading books my father wrote. In 2011, in an effort to maintain my sanity while recovering from major surgery, I worked side by side with my dad as he put his brother’s memoirs, letters, and notes into a manuscript for publication. I began by fact-checking everything I could because I quickly realized that my uncle’s story was as much a global history lesson as it was his personal story. I conducted extensive research to answer questions that arose during the compilation of the manuscript, then incorporated my findings into the book.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
The highlight has been the encouragement and assistance received from David McCullough, Congressman Michael Burgess, and the University of Southern California.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
It is better to push back a release date than not verify that your facts are accurate, your grammar is correct, and your typos have been eliminated. Don’t be afraid to include photos, illustrations, maps, etc. if they add interest and/or understanding to the story but don’t use them just to fill up space.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
If you are writing nonfiction, make sure you document all sources and give credit where credit is due. Don’t be afraid to make cold calls to obtain more information and understanding.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
I’m inspired by looking at the mountain of source materials in cardboard boxes that sits in my office. To me, it’s too valuable to throw into the dumpster.

What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
I was surprised at the reaction of immediate and extended family members. Deep feelings ranging from anger and resentment to awe and wonder arose from the four corners of the world. As a result, we took out certain sections, deleted some names, and re-worded embarrassing or compromising sections to protect the innocent without compromising the integrity of the story.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
We were able to make the Amazon Best Sellers list without using profanity to tell war and espionage stories.
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