Alyssa Calder Hulme lives in Heber City, Utah.
What are some names of the books or other media you have created?
- Women of Ambition Podcast
- BBC News: “My Money: ‘Our alternative quarantine holiday'”
- Local Passport Family Guest Post: “Living and Working from an RV”
- Babywise Mom: “Homeschooling with a Newborn: 6 Tips for Success”
- Intermountain Healthcare: “School at home while you’re social distancing: 6 tips for a positive experience”
What inspired you to become a creator of media?
I have a lot to say on many topics; writing and podcasting helps me move conversations out of my head and into the world where I can make a difference. My current project, Women of Ambition Podcast, gives me a fantastic excuse to befriend incredible women, learn from them, and rip into my deepest questions while taking my audience along for the ride.
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
Getting published by the BBC! It’s my first international publication.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given in your creative journey?
It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just start where you are and learn along the way.
What advice do you have for someone just starting out in your field?
Choose a deep topic you’ll never get sick of exploring. Dig into that in whatever format works for your energy and interest level. Begin with the lowest start up cost and see where things go.
What keeps you inspired in your daily creative work?
Making sure I’m living the way I want my children to live—that is, in alignment with my values and passions. Also remembering that creation is a holy act and as I practice it I can become closer to my Heavenly Mother and Father.
What would you like others to know about you or your creative process?
It’s is all over the map; I always have about five projects going on beyond what I’ve told anyone. From the outside (and frequently the inside) those pursuits look disconnected but always makes sense in the end. My deep dive into oil paints ends up informing the way I brand my content. My veer into reiki healing connects me deeper to my Heavenly Parents whose love fuels my bigger purpose as a teacher and disruptor. My book binge is teaching me (again) how to naturally craft dialogue between characters in my book. It all feeds my creativity.
In what ways do you feel you have been able to be a voice for good in your creative pursuits?
I use my voice to speak up for women and encourage other women to do the same. We don’t have to agree on anything to make more space for women’s voices; simply using mine makes more room for another woman to use hers. I’ve witnessed silenced women speak up. I’ve watched as they realize their words are of value. When women step up to the mic, we transform the world.
I am also an advocate for neurodiverse humans. In simply sharing information on neurodiversity with my community, I have seen increased love for self and empathy for others.
If you want your spotlight to link to your website or any of your social media platforms, include the URLs here.
http://www.WomenofAmbitionPodcast.com @WomenofAmbitionPodcast @BigRoundSchoolhouse @WhoIsHeavenlyMother
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