The LDSPMA Praiseworthy Awards program recognizes works that are “of good report or praiseworthy” (Articles of Faith 1:13) in multiple categories across the fields of publishing, media, and the arts. Each year, the Praiseworthy Awards recognize works released during the previous year that are held up to a professional standard.
We understand that it takes a number of devoted professionals to create a high-quality product. So, unique to LDSPMA, awards are granted not only to the primary creator but also to the entire team involved in the publication (e.g., author, artist, editor, designer, composer, producer, actor, etc.). Because LDSPMA connects faith to skill and creativity, we also recognize that at least one member of that team is a current member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The three finalists for each category are listed below (in alphabetical order within each category). The first place, second place, and third place designations will be announced at the LDSPMA Awards Gala on Friday, October 18 at the UVU Sorensen Center. Get tickets to the gala here.
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Praiseworthy Awards—Publishing Winners
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Historical Fiction
Codes of Courage
Author: A.L. Sowards
Publicist: Shara Meredith
Editor: Samantha Millburn
Designer: Emily Remington
Publisher: Covenant Communications
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“A beautiful and poignant love story that brings to life the heartaches and the triumphs of those who helped break enemy codes during WWII.” —Goodreads review
Streets of Shadow
Author: Rebecca Bischoff
Editor: Holli Anderson
Editors: John Olsen
Cover Artist: Ashley Literski
Publisher: Immortal Works
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Streets of Shadow is a historical fiction novel that includes mystery, adventure, intrigue, and best of all, strength in the face of devastating circumstances and betrayal. The young, female protagonist refuses to give up and finds strengths she didn’t know she had all while retaining her compassion for others.”
The Shards of Lafayette: Drops of Glass
Author: Kenneth A. Baldwin
Cover Designer: Dasol Chelsea Jeong
Publisher: Eburnean Books
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Drops of Glass is a novel that puts an often neglected corner of history on full display. World War I is represented in media as a never-ending trudge of desolation in the trenches, and by reducing this global conflict to one stereotype, the beauty and humanity of those involved gets lost. This novel takes readers away from the trenches, tells a compelling story while respecting true historic events and figures, and does so through a magic system that is fueled by the powerful ambiguities and paradoxes found in the human character.”
Kiri Jorgensen – author, editor, publisher
Erin Edwards – social media marketing director
Kelli McKinney – title promotion specialist
Publisher: Chicken Scratch Books
chickenscratchbooks.com @chickenscratchbooks
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Perfect by Kiri Jorgensen is a middle grade contemporary mystery about learning to see life from a new perspective. Sal has OCD, and keeps herself tightly locked in her ‘safe’ world. But the lure of photography snowflakes introduces her to the reality of perfection – there is no perfect snowflake, or friends, or family – but they all can be very good. And that knowledge helps Sal unlock her abilities in new ways to solve the perfect crime. Perfect is a heartwarming story that shows kids they can become more than they think they can.”
The Trespassers
Stephanie Black (Author)
Shara Meredith (Publicist)
Samantha Millburn (Editor)
Kevin Jorgensen (Designer)
Publisher: Covenant Communications
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“I loved every nail biting page” – Goodreads review
“A brilliant mystery with a twist.” – Goodreads review
Wesley: An Eye for an Eye
Authors: Susan Easton Black and George Durrant
Editor: Lindsay Flanagan
Production Manager: Staci Olsen
Cover Artist: Ashley Literski
Publisher: Immortal Works
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Wesley: An Eye for an Eye is a gripping, suspenseful mystery set in the 1920s against the backdrop of fictional Rooster Creek, Utah. This masterfully penned tale puts madness, religion, and even true love under scrutiny while one woman tries to get away from her overbearing, frightening brother—and despite her love for him and the man she’s in love with, she conquers them all. The description of ‘page-turner’ does not do this masterpiece justice.”
Adult Science Fiction/Fantasy
Clever, Cursed, & Storied: A Fairy Tale Retelling
Author: Amy Trent
Editor: Deborah Halverson
Copyeditor: Joyce Lamb
Proofreader: Sarah Rosenbarker
Cover Artist: Bianca Bordianu
Publisher: Grace Burrowes Publishing
Website: amytrent.com
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Clever, Cursed, & Storied is a retelling of the little known Scottish fairy tale, Kate Crackernuts, discovered by the author in Dr. Jill Rudy’s BYU folklore class nearly two decades ago. Love, if we paraphrase the apostle Paul, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love, to paraphrase the author, is the truest form of magic we know, inside of fairy tales or out. Clever, Cursed, & Storied explores how love can make us hopeful, brave, and kind. It asserts that love can lead to transformations, connections, and the strength needed to rally in the face of hopelessness.”
The Befallen
Cambria Williams – Author
Holli Anderson – Acquisitions Editor
Staci Olsen – Production and Formatting
Krista Olsen – Editor
Ashley Literski – Cover Design
Publisher: Immortal Works
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The Befallen is a beautifully written novel about overcoming perceived weaknesses to do what needs to be done. It’s a tale of self-sacrifice and finding one’s strength in order to save the world. Although the setting is a different world with it’s own set of beliefs, The Befallen portrays what it means to have deep faith even when things are going terribly wrong.”
The Freezer
Author: Ben Spendlove
Editors: Lori Forsyth &Adam McLain
Cover Artist: Jeremy Ames
Publisher: Steve Evans
Typesetter: Andrew Heiss
Publisher: By Common Consent Press
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The strength and vulnerability of a parent’s love for their child is the central theme of this story and it is wonderfully portrayed.”
“What truly sets this book apart is its exploration of the delicate balance between faith and doubt —reminding us that even in the face of insurmountable odds, hope can flourish. It is a poignant reminder that love, faith, and the power of the human spirit can transcend the darkest of times. It is a captivating journey that challenges our beliefs, ignites our imagination, and reminds us of the strength we possess when faced with adversity.”
(Reviews on Amazon by Alberta and Zoe, respectively.)
YA/Middle Grade Science Fiction/Fantasy
Hatched: Dragon Speaker
Author: Caren Hahn
Cover design: Andrew Hahn
Cover illustration: Rhys Robyn
Editing: Rachel Pickett of Polished Copy Editing Services
Publisher: Seventy-Second Press
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Hatched: Dragon Speaker is the final book in the Hatched series—an older YA romantasy that appeals to readers of all ages. Many parents report reading it to their children, finding the clean content to be family friendly even as it explores serious themes of friendship and betrayal, relationship challenges, and addiction. At a time when the intersection of fantasy and romance is seeing a big surge in the market, readers are thrilled to find a romantic dragon adventure series that includes all the drama and nail-biting intensity without the explicit and graphic content that’s becoming commonplace in the genre.”
Judah Starweaver and the Way of Dragons
Author: Tamara Grantham
Editor: Alicia Dean
www.tamaragrantham.com, www.facebook.com/tamaraclairegrantham
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“13-year-old Judah Starweaver lives on the Galaxy Road, where the past has been erased. As he learns the truth of where he comes from, he understands that if history isn’t learned, it will be repeated. His people are enslaved because they’ve been led away from the truth, and he accepts the responsibility of uncovering the truth of their past in order to break free from the bonds of slavery.”
Oceans of Sand
Author: Jessica Flory
Editor: Lindsay Flanagan
Production Manager: Staci Olsen
Cover Artist: Brian Hailes
Publisher: Immortal Works
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Nora feels isolated from her society because everyone else has a sand gift that lets them contribute to the survival of her community. As she embarks on a quest to save her people from starvation, she learns how much power can be found in love. Oceans of Sand uses exquisite world-building to transport the reader to a unique place. It’s unlike anything you’ll ever read.”
A Heart Worth Stealing
Author: Joanna Barker
Editor: Lisa Mangum
Designer: Heather Ward
Typographer: Rachael Ward
Product Manager: Heidi Gordon
Product Director: Chris Schoebinger
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This romance novel has clean content, suitable for all ages. It showcases a strong protagonist who deftly navigates the demands of Regency England—and the demands of her heart.”
“[Barker’s] characterization of Genevieve as a woman of gumption who balances determination with vulnerability shines. Humor and wit are delightfully laced throughout the novel and offer a colorful contrast to the story’s complex emotional landscape of grief, family relationships, identity, and worth.”—Booklist, Starred Review
Love Unseen
Rachel Kelley Stones (Author)
Shara Meredith (Publicist)
Ashley Gebert (Editor)
Christina Marcano (Designer)
Publisher: Covenant Communications
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“A poignant, romantic story with fabulous characters, a compelling, unique plot, and villains you love to hate.” – Customer Review
“Reading Love Unseen is a captivating experience from the first chapter to the last.” – Customer Review
The Art of Love and Lies
Author: Rebecca Anderson
Editor: Lisa Mangum
Designer: Heather Ward
Typographer: Bre Anderl
Product Manager: Heidi Gordon
Product Director: Chris Schoebinger
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This romance is appropriate for all audiences to read. It features a confident, talented woman who finds a way to make a name for herself and her artwork in a male-dominated industry during the Victorian era.”
“The novel’s pursuit scenes are thrilling, as is its intrigue around how Rosanna and Martin will get past his misconceptions about her. They learn to see the world anew through one another, even as they ask provocative questions about facts, truth, and forgiveness.”—Foreword Reviews, Starred Review
Short Story/Anthology/Novella

Be It Known: Book of Mormon Witnesses for Today’s Latter-day Saints
Authors: Alyssa Edwards, Dennis L. Largey, Gale Sears, Ganel-Lyn Condie, Hank Smith, Heather B. Moore, Jack R. Christianson, Janice Kapp Perry, John Fossum, John Hilton III, Joseph M. Spencer, Kerry Muhlestein, Lloyd D. Newell, Lynne Hilton Wilson, Marilynne Todd Linford, Mary Jane Woodger, Ron Millburn, S. Kent Brown, Sian Ann Bessey, Susan Easton Black, Tamara Uzelac Hall, Taylor Ricks
Shara Meredith (Publicist)
Kevin Jorgensen (Designer)
Publisher: Covenant Communications
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“In conjunction with the 200th anniversary of the angel Moroni’s first visit to the young Joseph Smith, Be It Known: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon presents the personal experiences of Latter-day Saints whose testimonies serve as a beacon for today’s seekers of truth. From conversion stories to poignant experiences to personal witnesses, discover the multitude of ways the Spirit can testify to your mind and your heart of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.”
Both Things Are True
Kate Holbrook, Author
Kristen Evans, Project Manager
Lisa Roper, Product Director
Jenny Pulsipher, Editor
Rosalynde F. Welch, Editor
Miranda Wilcox, Editor
Tessa Hauglid, Copy-editor
Samuel M. Brown, Editor
Lisa DeLong, Cover Art
Heather Ward, Cover Design
Publisher: Deseret Book Company and BYU Maxwell Institute
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Both Things Are True is a book by Kate Holbrook, a church historian who focused on highlighting women’s voices throughout her life. Kate passed away from cancer in August 2022, but before she died, Rosalynde Welch felt prompted to reach out to her so that her voice could be featured as a gift to those who needed to hear it. This book was a labor of love, with multiple editors helping to finish it after Kate passed away. It is praiseworthy because it shines a light on an amazing woman who loved the gospel and its complexity, who was able to integrate things that many others would have separated.”
The Bad Day Book Volume 1
Amilee Selfridge (Publisher, Editor/Compiler, Author)
Jenalee Marshall (Cover Design & Branding)
Heather Preece (Author)
Publisher: The Bad Day Group, LLC
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The Bad Day Book was created as a means for people to find joy, humor, and laughter amid the trials and bad days of life. Providing a collection of short stories/essays shared by individuals worldwide, it also helps the reader realize they aren’t alone and that most bad days are just that: days. Another main goal of The Bad Day Book was to be able to provide clean family-friendly humor for people of all ages, religions, and nationalities. We wanted a book that could prove that profanity and crudeness aren’t needed to entertain and to provide humor. The Bad Day Book is a book you don’t need too be embarrassed to tell others you read because of improper content. Working with many authors worldwide required a lot of care in editing and relationships to keep pieces at the desired standards while letting them feel their story was told in their voice.”
America’s Destiny
Tad R. Callister (Author)
Shawnda Craig (Cover Design)
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc.
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“America’s Destiny sets forth compelling evidence of America’s divine origin and destiny—that it was a nation founded upon divine providence, not coincidence, as testified repeatedly by the Founding Fathers, respected historians, and statesmen. With that perspective, America’s Destiny asks the question that should be on all of our minds, “What is the greatest challenge facing our nation today and how should we confront it in a way that pleases God?” The economy, national security, immigration, gun control, poverty, racism, crime, national pandemics, climate change? While each of these is a valid concern and deserves attention, none of them strikes at the heart of our greatest challenge, namely, finding a way to build stronger homes and bring about a return to family, God, and moral values. To put our prime focus on challenges other than these is to strike at the leaves, not the root of the problem.”
Undeniable: The Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
Susan Easton Black (Author)
Shara Meredith (Publicist)
Ashley Gebert (Editor)
Tara Leong (Designer)
Publisher: Covenant Communications
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Riveting biographical sketches offer context and clarity to the lives of the Three Witnesses—not only their history of doctrinal concerns and secular strife but also their incomparable contributions and faithful service. By taking a broad view of each complex man individually, readers will come to recognize these early leaders’ inherent humanity as they struggled through trials not so very different from our own.”
Vengeance Is Mine: The Mountain Meadows Massacre and Its Aftermath
Richard E. Turley Jr. and Barbara Jones Brown, Coauthors
Publisher: Oxford University Press
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This is the most important book every published on the darkest event in Latter-day Saint history. One-hundred percent factual, it is also bold, enthralling, and cathartic, like a good Greek or Elizabethan tragedy. For a difficult topic with many reader reviews, this book has an astounding Amazon rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars and has been positively reviewed in many professional publishing and history journals. Critics have called it “a stunning achievement,” “a phenomenal, breathtaking step toward communal learning,” and “a superb treatment of a massacre that has unfairly blackened the Latter-day Saints for more than a century.” The book has reached a broad audience and is available wherever Latter-day Saint books are sold.”

Beginners and Beyond: Step by Step Cookie Creation
Joy Corts (Author)
Samantha Vanderson (Photographer)
Shawnda Craig (Cover Design)
Kyle Lund (Editor)
Publisher: Cedar Fort Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“From the bare basics to expert-level techniques, Beginners and Beyond is your one-stop
guide to becoming a master cookie decorator. Starting with must-have tools, best practices,
and professional tips, this handbook contains tried-and-true cookie recipes that are
guaranteed to be both delicious and structurally perfect for decorating.”
“Once the cookies are cooled from the oven, it’s time to let the creativity begin! Each cookie
design includes easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and is illustrated with beautiful
photos. Build confidence in your skill as every themed set of designs starts with the basics
and then slowly increases in complexity.”
Kneaders Bakery & Cafe: A Celebration of Our Recipes and Memories
Author: Colleen Worthington
Editor: Derk Koldewyn
Designer: Heather Ward
Typographer: Bre Anderl
Product Manager: Heidi Gordon
Product Director: Chris Schoebinger
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Kneaders Bakery & Cafe is a family-owned business that began in Colleen Worthington’s kitchen and now has more than 50 restaurants in 8 Western states. Each recipe features beautiful, full-color photography. Includes heartwarming stories by and about the people who have influenced Kneaders.”
Master American History in 1 Minute a Day – Revised & Expanded Edition
Dan Brown – Author
Brooke Jorden – Editorial Director
Christopher Robbins – Publisher and Acquiring Editor
Publisher: Familius Publishing
@FamiliusBooks on Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Join acclaimed historian Dan Roberts, known to millions as the voice of the A Moment in Time radio series, on a bite-sized romp through 500 years of American history. With just one minute a day, you can master all the essential facts of America’s founding, Civil War, world conflicts, homefront transformations, and more!
With the same insightful, engaging 1-minute essays and a wide-ranging look into the major events in the United States of America, Master American History in 1 Minute a Day, Expanded Edition is here! This revised edition has been updated to include the momentous events in the last five years, including the murder of George Floyd and subsequent national demand for racial equity and police reform; the COVID-19 pandemic; the Trump presidency; SpaceX; and the January 6 Insurrection. Additional chapters have been added to more deeply explore the Jim Crow South, Juneteenth, FDR’s deportation of American citizens of Mexican descent, and more.”
A Necessary Lie: Escape for Freedom and Love
Heidi Tucker: Author
Jake and Vivian Kim (Doohyun Kim and Jiyeon Maeng are their Korean names in the book): Subjects of this true story
Dennis Lyman: Publisher
Publisher: RedStone Media
Website: HeidiTucker.com Facebook: @Heidi_Tucker
Instagram: @Heidi_Tucker
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Doohyun and Jiyeon married and living in North Korea escape over the barbed-wire fences of that country with only the clothes on their backs and hope in their hearts for a better life. This true story takes the reader on an unbelievable journey through incredible courage and unspeakable sacrifices to seek the freedom and love these two people believe exists outside the border. It is a book which has the power to change our lives. We not only feel a great empathy for those still trapped behind the barbed-wire fences, but it instills a greater sense of gratitude for so many freedoms and blessings we previously took for granted. This story has the ability to educate the reader about life in North Korea and also testify of our mighty human spirit and the miracles that help us find our way.”
Divine Quietness: Finding Meaning When Heaven Is Silent
Emily Robison Adams, Author
Derk Koldewyn, Editor
Shauna Gibby, Designer
Rachael Ward, Typesetter
Kristen Evans, Project Manager
Celia Barnes, Product Director
Publisher: Deseret Book Company
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Despite our best efforts, sometimes we feel like our sincere, heartfelt prayers are ignored or met with silence. And we wonder why a loving God would not answer us. In Divine Quietness, Emily Robison discusses new ways to think about faith, doubt, and divine quietness through the lens of her own experience as well as from literature on many faith traditions. Readers will rethink their assumptions about what it means to have faith and connect with God, even in quietness.”
It Gave Me You: A True Love Story
Emily Gould (Author)
Shawnda Craig (Cover Design)
Valene Wood (Editor)
Publisher: Cedar Fort Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“’Falling in love usually happens when you least expect it. But love isn’t the only thing that happens without warning.’
“In a beautiful and heartwarming true story, author Emily Gould weaves the narrative of her daughter’s incredible life. The story of Lexi and Ricky begins with a chance meeting but grows into a perfect tale of real teenage romance, the good and the ugly of cancer treatments, and the inspiring power of love overcoming all odds.”
Religious Topic
At-One-Ment: Embodying the Fullness of Human-Divinity
Author: Thomas McConkie
Publisher: Faith Matters
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“At the heart of the gospel is a radical message of hope: we are capable of unlimited development, of becoming even as Christ is. But what does this path of transformation look like and feel like in practice? For centuries, so much of Christianity has focused on what to believe. Thomas McConkie redirects this conversation to the simple but potent practices we can engage in body, heart, mind and spirit—awakening us to a greater measure of the Sacred right here and now. At-one-ment becomes a spiritual reality in which we can all participate, not just a historical event in which a select few believe.”
“In a clear and elegant sequence, McConkie describes ancient and modern approaches to awakening the mind, purifying the heart and healing the body, as well as common challenges that come up along the way. Whatever the reader’s personal beliefs, this book is intended to complement their worldview and provide practical, actionable steps toward realizing a greater fullness of all that they are meant to become.”
Blessed Are Ye: Using the Beatitudes to Understand Christ’s Atonement and Grace
Brad Wilcox (Author)
Roger Wilcox (Author)
Shara Meredith (Publicist)
Samantha Millburn (Editor)
Emily Remington (Designer)
Publisher: Covenant Communications
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Like many scriptures, the Beatitudes can be interpreted in multiple and diverse ways. In Blessed Are Ye, gospel scholars Brad Wilcox and Roger Wilcox explore these varied interpretations and examine possible connections between the Beatitudes, the first principles and ordinances of the gospel, and temple covenants. Featuring a straightforward examination of sacred scripture and prophetic counsel as well as practical ideas for application, this inspiring volume will guide modern-day disciples of Christ to view and value the Savior’s Atonement in truly meaningful and personal ways.”
Greater Love Hath No Man: A Latter-day Saint Guide to Celebrating Holy Week
Authors: Eric D. Huntsman & Trevan G. Hatch
Publisher: BYU Religious Studies Center
facebook.com/byursc instagram.com/byu.rsc
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This volume follows the same user-friendly format of the earlier God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior’s Life, organizing the chapters according to the traditional days of Holy Week with expanded discussion and additional materials. After discussing the scriptural accounts for each day of Holy Week, the chapters then summarize how these scriptural events have been celebrated through the centuries in different Christian traditions before sharing suggestions on how Latter-day Saints can both study the texts and commemorate the events in their own families.”
Scripture Study

Approaching the Tree: Interpreting 1 Nephi 8
Editors: Benjamin Keogh, Joseph M. Spencer, Jennifer Champoux
Artists: J, Kirk Richards, Rose Datoc Dall, Megan Knobloch Geilman, Sarah Winegar, Hildebrando de Melo, Caitlin Connolly, Jose de Faria, Annie Poon, Kathleen Peterson
Authors: Rosalynde Frandsen Welch, Rev’d Dr. Andrew R. Teal, Kimberly Matheson, Kylie Nielson Turley, Timothy Farrant, Terryl Givens
Publisher: BYU Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Approaching the Tree offers readers a fresh and enlightening perspective on the timeless narrative of Lehi’s dream as depicted in 1 Nephi 8 from the Book of Mormon. Unlike traditional interpretations, this work invites readers to explore the dream through the lenses of scholars and artists, providing a multifaceted understanding that goes beyond the typical “Sunday School lesson”. With original visual artwork commissioned for the book and essays written about different aspects of Lehi’s Dream, this book is a gift to anyone who wants to refresh their view on the Book of Mormon and explore it again.”
Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon
Robert L. Millet, Author
Alison Palmer, Editor
Garth Bruner, Designer
Rachael Ward, Typesetter
Kristen Evans, Project Manager
Lisa Roper, Product Director
Publisher: Deseret Book Company
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“In Remember, Remember, Robert L. Millet discusses the life-changing truths found in the Book of Mormon—including the fortunate aspects of the Fall, the infinite scope of the Savior’s Atonement, life in the post-mortal spirit world, and more—so we may fully understand and commit them to memory as we deepen our study of the Book of Mormon.”

The Epistle to the Ephesians (BYU New Testament Commentary)
S. Kent Brown, Author
Jennifer Hurlbut, Editor
Marny Parkin, Designer and Typesetter
Publisher: BYU Studies
What makes this work praiseworthy?
From the endorsement of Camille Fronk Olson: “S. Kent Brown has done it again—transporting the reader back in time to experience life as a Christian in the Roman Empire—this time in Ephesus. His commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians captures the loftiness of the language and the dizzying scope of blessings from the Father and the Son communicated in the Epistle. Brown masterfully places the Epistle in a meaningful historical context and argues convincingly that Paul is indeed the author. While scrutinizing each verse, he wraps up the reader in God’s glorious grace to accept the invitation to Jews and especially Gentiles to become ‘imitators of God.’ As much as I thought I loved Ephesians previously, I have found deeper reverence for the epistle’s contribution.”
Autonomy-Supportive Parenting: Reduce Parental Burnout and Raise Competent, Confident Children
Dr. Emily Edlynn – Author
Brooke Jorden – Editorial Director
Christopher Robbins – Publisher
Publisher: Familius Publishing
emilyedlynnphd.com @FamiliusBooks on Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. youtube.com/@FamiliusKids
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“As parents, we want our children to take responsibility for their schoolwork, their chores, and their choices. We want them to grow into independent adults, but when we see them struggling, we sometimes have a tendency to step in and problem-solve, telling them exactly what to do or even doing things for them ourselves. The problem is the more controlling we are with our children, the more out of control they feel. When our children feel out of control, problems big and small follow, from more tantrums in thwarted toddlers to a higher risk of drug and alcohol use in adolescence. So how do we support our children’s autonomy while maintaining boundaries and not losing our minds in the process? From clinical psychologist Emily Edlynn, PhD, comes a flexible parenting framework that can apply to every family and every parental relationship. With Autonomy-Supportive Parenting, you can build trust in your child and trust in yourself.”
Freedom from Scrupulosity: Reclaiming Your Religious Experience from Anxiety and OCD
Author: Debra Theobald McClendon
Publisher: BYU Religious Studies Center
debramcclendon.com/index.html facebook.com/byursc instagram.com/byu.rsc
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This book is a comprehensive examination of religious scrupulosity, with a focus on treatment. In part 1, the author describes basics about anxiety, OCD, and scrupulosity and how each is related and interconnected. Part 2 explores scrupulosity on a deeper level, including what researchers have learned about scrupulosity. In part 3, McClendon discusses treatment considerations and presents a gold-standard, evidence-based approach to treatment. The interventions described can serve as a stand-alone self-help treatment for scrupulosity or as an adjunct to working with a mental health professional.”
Sacred Struggle: Seeking Christ on the Path of Most Resistance
Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, Author
Tracy Keck, Editor
Heather Ward, Designer
Rachael Ward, Typesetter
Kristen Evans, Project Manager
Lisa Roper, Product Director
Publisher: Deseret Book Company
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Sacred Struggle is a beautiful book about drawing close to God and others despite our own pain and suffering. Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye shares personal experiences related to her profession, her church community, and her battle with cancer to show us how we can develop a love and appreciation for all trials we encounter.”

Daily Initiations
Isaac James Richards (author)
Theric Jepson (editor)
Publisher: Irreantum
Website: https://irreantum.associationmormonletters.org/_20-1-daily-initiations/
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Isaac brings the temple into mundane everyday experiences. The whole world can be holy when we see it correctly.”

Author: Darlene Young
Publisher: By Common Consent Press
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Darlene’s poetry is beautiful, graceful, and full of faith. She has the technical artistry of the best living poets, and she deals with both large and small questions with humor, insight, and compassion. These poems are among the best that have been published for the LDS market in the last quarter century.”

Rhymes for Small and Large
Author: Tom Hindley
Illustrator: Paul Thumann (1834–1908)
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The 19th century illustrations in the book are amazingly good. The rhymes in this book, mostly inspired by the illustrations, are both humorous and inventive. The German pictures of 140 years ago and the English words of last year both capture the timeless excitement and wonder of youth.”
Praiseworthy Awards—Media Winners
As an Amazon Associate, LDSPMA earns a small affiliate commission from purchases you make using the links below. This helps us cover the operating expenses of our awards program.
Secular Picture Book
The Light That Shines Forever: The True Story and Remarkable Rescue of 669 Children on the Eve of World War II
Author: David Warner
Illustrator: David T. Warner
Editor: Derk Koldewyn
Designer: Richard Erickson
Typographer: Bre Anderl
Product Manager: Heidi Gordon
Product Director: Chris Schoebinger.
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“A picture book with a timely message about the good in humanity overcoming the evils of hatred and fascism.
Nicholas Winton became known as the “British Oskar Schindler” for his extraordinary efforts to save Jewish children by sending them to England in 1939, the day before the Nazis invaded Czech lands and Jewish families found few countries which would accept them as refugees.
The discovery of Nicholas Winton’s records came to light fifty years after the war and the world learned of his heroic efforts and the fate of the children was reveal on live television on the BBC.”

Showdown Symphony
Kevin and Leah Klein: authors
Sarah D. Newell: Illustrator
Emmaline Jackson: composer
Lucy Wolfe: narrator
Publisher: Klein Education, LLC
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The picture book Showdown Symphony tells the tale of how a brave, clever mother mouse outwits a cat and owl as they all search for food one autumn night. In addition to the gorgeous classic illustration, what sets this work apart is how it brings the story to life in an unprecedented synthesis of pictures, poetry, and music. The text is divided into five symphonic movements, each with a unique poetic stanza pattern of meter and rhyme scheme that matches the movement’s tempo. Also, these five movements form the structure of a musical composition that uses tempo, timbre, and motifs (similar to Peter and the Wolf, but with poetry instead of prose narration) to help convey the story’s characters and action. The book video version of Showdown Symphony (see URL) features all three elements of illustration, orchestration, and narration working in harmony to tell its story.”
Religious Picture Book

Because of Jesus: A Book for Children After the Death of Someone They Love
Jordan Robertson, Author
Breanna Vaughn, Illustrator
Derk Koldewyn, Editor
Shauna Gibby, Designer
Breanna Anderl, Typesetter
Kristen Evans, Project Manager
Celia Barnes, Product Director
Publisher: Deseret Book Company
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Because of Jesus is a book about death designed for children. This beautiful book helps children process emotions, recognize their loss, and understand Jesus’s role in death as well as in emotional and physical healing.”

Book of Mormon 123: A numbers primer for children
Jayne Ann Osborne – Author and Illustrator
Holly Kolb – Editor and Publisher
Publisher: Merry Robin Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Book of Mormon 123 introduces young children to the numbers 1 to 20 using concepts, characters and elements found within the Book of Mormon. By connecting the very most basic teachings – basic numbers – with basic Book of Mormon elements, children are able to build a roots-deep foundation in gospel learning. Each page is fun, colorful, and full of fun facts that even adults can learn a thing or two from. What truly makes this work praiseworthy is its simplicity. It is “plain and simple” as well as lively and engaging.”

Primary Scriptures: Book of Mormon Stories for Kids
Jason Zippro (Author)
Alycia Pace (Illustrator)
Angela Baxter (Cover Design)
Emily Chamber & Kaitlin Barwick (Editing and Typesetting)
Publisher: Cedar Fort Publishing
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Dive into the entire Book of Mormon with this captivating Primary Scripture set, specifically designed for young children. This durable, hardcover collection, filled with over 1000 vibrant illustrations, brings sacred stories to life in simplified language, inspiring your children to connect with the heroes and teachings within. Spark gospel discussions and ignite a lifelong love for scripture study as they embark on an unforgettable faith journey.”
Graphic Novel/Web Comic

Bricks of Faith: The Doctrine and Covenants
Creator: Dan Butler
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This graphic novel reaches the “Bluey” zone – in that it engages young audiences (LEGOs!) while still having fun jokes that will get teens having fun learning about church history and doctrine. People can learn when they are present. This graphic novel brings people in so that they learn and have fun doing it.”

Super Siblings Adventures – Field Trip
Creator: Patrick Scullin
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Super Siblings Adventures is a middle grade comic series written and illustrated by Patrick Scullin. Field Trip continues the story of a brother and sister with super powers that don’t know each other’s secret identity. This leads to a number of super silly situations and misunderstandings. Inspired by his own sibling rivalry, Patrick pokes fun at family dynamics with his all-ages stories that are kid approved and mildly tolerated by adults.”

What Happens Next (Book 2): Science Fair Frenzy
Author and illustrator: Jess Smart Smiley
Editing: Alex Lu and Calista Brill
Coloring: Richard McLean
Publisher: First Second Books (imprint of Macmillan)
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“What Happens Next (Book 2): Science Fair Frenzy makes reading fun again, in this unique interactive experience for young readers! The main characters are friendly and eager to help each other, the colorful illustrations are bright, clean, and playful, and the story is interactive like a book you can play! This book encourages readers to exercise their agency in an entertaining way and is packed with good, clean fun at every turn.”
Digital Multimedia

From Homeless Teen to Johns Hopkins Doctor: One Utahn’s Incredible Story
Carrie Snider, writer
Jamie Armstrong, editor/publisher
Producer: Good News Utah
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This article looks at the amazing life story of a man who had a hard upbringing, but who through prayer and focus and determination, turned his life around. Even after hitting a low point of being homeless, he did everything he could to finish high school, go on a mission, and go to college. Despite the lack of money or support, he even went on to become a doctor and work at Johns Hopkins Hospital. His story is truly inspiring to all.”

How an Autism diagnosis and becoming a Latter-day Saint has completely changed my life
Author: Jon Propper
Editor: Emily Linder
Producer: LDSLiving
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Jon Propper paints a beautiful picture of the all-important sense of belonging found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His story illustrates the need for community, belonging, and truth in a divided world. He also speaks to a minority group within the Church that isn’t always given a voice.”
How To Gather Israel Online: A Free Masterclass for LDS Missionaries
Matt Fitzgerald, Director, Host, & Video Production
Jared Bender, Host, Video Production
Chantelle Fitzgerald, Admin & Worksheets
Grant LaFontaine, Design
Joshua Delerme, 1st AC
Michelle Fitzgerald, Admin & Worksheets
Troy Fitzgerald , Admin
Annette Wilson, Photography Lead
Jacob Newbold, Braydon Ball, & Vivienne Rasmussen, Photography
Kaela Marriott, Design lead
Peyton Soelberg, Design
Dallin Hewart & Jess Soelberg, Music Production
Gerardo Carrillo, Scripting & Grip
Cooper Eps, Motion Design & Assistant Editor
Christian McOmber, Scripting
Emily Bender, Web Development
Producer: 52 Weeks Media
howtogatherisrael.com facebook.com/HowToGatherIsrael
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“In early 2022 I assembled a team of professional LDS creatives to combine forces and create a 30 day content blitz and video series teaching LDS Missionaries how to better share the Gospel of Jesus Christ online. Professional writers, cinematographers, designers, musicians, and more banded together to create everything from scratch. From the music in the videos to the downloadable worksheets on the website. Everything was made by LDS volunteers. Social Media Missionaries from around the globe had access to creative professionals for 31 days, and we answered DMs and shaped our content based on the questions being asked.”
Podcast: Gospel Topics and Perspectives

“I’m Not the Gatekeeper, I’m the Welcoming Committee” | An Interview with Kurt Brown
Host and Executive Producer: Kurt Francom
Guest: President Kurt Brown
Assistant Producer: Lillian Angelovic
Audio Mastering: Jerson Obial
Music Composer: Derek Campbell
Summary Author: Brittany Silva
Producer: Leading Saints
Instagram: @leadingsaints
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Host Kurt Francom guides this conversation with guest Kurt Brown, moving from President Brown’s personal experience and spiritual growth through serving as a singles-ward bishop where they created a culture of hope and vulnerability instead of checklists and shame. This was the most-popular podcast for Leading Saints in 2023 with over 60,000 downloads. Many listeners have said they listened to it multiple times and were inspired to change their approach as leaders after hearing it. Kurt Francom is a masterful interviewer who draws out what listeners can learn from guests that will help them better lead at home, work, and church. Guest Kurt Brown models vulnerability with his own story, demonstrating how to change lives by changing church culture.”
Love Your Lineage Episode 5: Healing from Generational Trauma
Michelle Franzoni Thorley and Miyamoto Loretta Jensen – Voice talent
Jalynne Geddes – Guest
Erica Free and Katie Lambert -Producers
Erica Free and Katie Lambert – Editors
Mixed by Mix at 6 Studio
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“These ladies do a superb job of addressing the difficulties faced my non-Euro Americans who are attempting to keep the commandment to do their family history. They were well informed on how to do research, but also the real life issues that can discourage or even stop people from pursuing family history work. I thought I was alone in meeting up with family history center staff who had no idea how difficult it can be to do this type of research and how much work goes into learning the history and challenges our ancestors faced, so that we can even begin doing this work. This show was inspired, well prepared and merciful in how they dealt with very difficult family history issues”
The Scriptures Are Real: S2 E79 Rabbi Joe Charnes on General Conference, and Peace and Grace in Colossians
Kerry Muhlestein, publisher, creator, and host
Rabbi Joe Charnes, guest
BJ Muhlestein, producer
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“In this episode we explore interfaith opportunities and viewpoints, we gain an outside view on the power and blessings of General Conference, and we explore multiple points of view on greeting each other with grace and love and what that looks like for us. By examining such important topics from an LDS and a Jewish point of view, we help people see different ways of studying and understanding LDS doctrine and the New Testament, and we model how to build bridges. I believe we accomplished an unusual feat that can bless the listener in multiple ways that they aren’t usually afforded.”
Podcast: Stories of Faith

The Cultural Hall Episode 717: Panther to Priesthood
Richie T. Steadman, founder, producer, interviewer, host
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The Cultural Hall, founded and hosted by Richie T. Steadman, is a faith-centered show in podcast form that both supports and follows the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, AND provides a space to talk about any topic, with anyone, with the goal of understanding and empathy, which are required for a Zion society.
In this episode, Richie T. interviews Ed Willis about his life, beginning from his years as a young man, when he was a Civil Rights activist and Black Panther, on through his introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ and his conversion. We see how something that begins with a sincere effort toward a worthy cause can go sideways. In Bro. Willis’s case, that meant involvement in drugs, violence, and turmoil in relationships. In the end, we see how his challenges prepared him to receive to good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
The Men Who Love God: Developing Rockstar Resilience | Branden Campbell from The Neon Trees
Eric Robertson – creator, host
Branden Campbell – guest
Jared Shores – producer
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“A great podcast that explores themes of faith in a relatable way.”

Tribe of Testimonies, Episodes 135: Mylo Fowler – Navajo
Andrea Hales, host and editor
Mylo Fowler, guest
Instagram: @tribeoftestimonies
Facebook: Tribe of Testimonies
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Tribe of Testimonies is one of the first Indigenous Church of Jesus Christ podcasts of its kind, ran by a working mother to promote spiritual Christian unity among indigenous tribes all over North America. A community of support amongst Native Americans has been created due to Andrea’s tireless efforts to ask Indigenous members of the church what they know about the Gospel and their experience with Christ throughout their cultural upbringing and own personal stories. It’s inspiring to know there are others who stand tall as disciples of Christ and who also hold fast to their Indigenous routes and where they came from. Andrea doesn’t just interview, she has tracked every individual tribe and name to highlight “the one” in hopes to plot on the map and gather every indigenous person in the world. It’s an ambitious effort for an Indigenous working mother of 4. Her questions are heart felt, vulnerable and informative. Her guests are rare in a slowly dying culture: it’s a beautiful way to make a record of the Lamanites in these latter days.”
Short-Form Film
Inspiring Short: Successive Colors of Covenants | Anthony Sweat
Producer: Charles Cranney
Video Editor: Eli Rothas
Additional Video: Kaden Cheshire
Music: Jarrett Davis
Video: Brad Slade
Speaker: Anthony Sweat
Collaborator: Alayna Een
Producer: BYU Speeches
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“At BYU Speeches, we seek to share light by providing access to the devotionals given at BYU. Our Inspiring Shorts series follows the tradition of the Church’s Mormon Messages, taking powerful moments from speeches and creating a visually compelling and excellently executed video that is easily to watch and share. This specific video is exemplary because of the mixed media element showing the stages of art and connecting them with our covenants and the recreation of the artistic situation Dr. Sweat shares. The message is uplifting and memorable, and all elements of the video work together to create a polished whole.”
Inspiring Short: The Power of Not Knowing | Liz Wiseman
Speaker: Liz Wiseman
Actors: Megan Wiseman Pliler, Bryan Parry, Cranney grandchildren
Video/Photo: Brad Slade
Storyboarding: Eli Rothas
Additional Video: Kaden Cheshire
Music: Jarrett Davis
Executive Producer: Charles Cranney
Collaborator: Alayna Een
Producer: BYU Speeches
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“At BYU Speeches, we seek to share light by providing access to the devotionals given at BYU. Our Inspiring Shorts series follows the tradition of the Church’s Mormon Messages, taking powerful moments from speeches and creating a visually compelling and excellently executed video that is easily to watch and share. This specific video amplifies positive parenting and inspires alternate ways of addressing issues, and it is especially poignant because Liz Wiseman’s daughter is portraying the young Liz Wiseman. Also, it can be really hard to work with children, and this came out really well.”
Your Story is More Important Than You Think
Executive Producer: Jonathan Wing
Producer: Tyler Sohm, Rumor Advertising
Production Company: Savvy Productions
Producer: RootsTech | FamilySearch | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“You can’t watch this video and not feel the Spirit. This theme kickoff video for RootsTech 2024 was released at the end of 2023 as part of a campaign associated with the event. Its intent was to help all understand how impactful their lives actually are! That while some feel they’ve led ordinary lives, to those whose lives they’ve impacted, their lives means so much more! Highlighting the lives of five seasoned individuals, the video helps all see themselves within the story and motivates them to tell those they love how much they mean to them.”
Music Video Adult/Youth Original
Performed by BYU Noteworthy and Truman Brothers
Words and Music by Kate Miller, Chad Truman, and Ben Truman
Arranged by Catherine Papworth Williams
Recorded by Scott Shattuck
Mixed by Darren Rust
Mastered by Troy Sales
Producers: Truman Brothers, Ben Fales, Micah Gándola
Director, DP, Editor, Colorist: Nick Sales
Stylist: Cardin McKinney
Set design: Catherine Truman
Producer: Shadow Mountain Records
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This collaboration between the Truman Brothers and BYU’s female a cappella group, Noteworthy, marks the first time Noteworthy has ever released an original song with an accompanying music video. Written by Ben and Chad Truman and one of the members of Noteworthy (Kate Miller), this beautiful song serves as an acknowledgment that life is certainly hard sometimes. But the lyrics bring hope by reminding us that despite whatever trial we may be going through, “every note and chapter has its place”. The stunning music video shows both the pain and hope of daily life in the faces of the faithful performers.”
I Need Jesus (So Bad)
Hinge Point – song writers
Vox Fox Productions – vocal recording, track production, mixing and mastering
Nate Terry Films – video production
Producer: Vox Fox Productions and Nate Terry Films
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“These girls ages 19, 19, and 17 have accepted the call to bring people to Christ through their music. The lyrics of this song expresses knowing that more than anything else in this life, we need Jesus Christ. The tune is fresh and upbeat and lyrics are catchy and true. The video shows a great story of being lost and not finding their way until they turn to Christ. I will send this via we transfer since the file is too big.”
Ready to Rise
Songwriters: Angie Killian, Joelle Einerson, Chelsea Stevens, James Stevens
Arrangers: James Stevens, Daniel Blomberg, Joelle Einerson
Vocalists: Savannah Taylor, Christian Stevens, Anna Rowe, Dillon Ellis, Kenya Clark, Blake Walker, Ava Geertsen, Evan Ellis, Hyrum Brimhall, & Hadley Brimhall
Videographer: Josh Sales
Mixing/Mastering: Ken Dudley
Expand for social media links
Website: https://angiekillian.com
Instagram: @angiemaek
YouTube: @AngieKillianMusic
Website: https://www.aberdeenlane.com/
Instagram: @chelsea_stevens_1
YouTube: @AberdeenLane
Website: https://www.aberdeenlane.com/
Instagram: @james_stevens_1
YouTube: @AberdeenLane
Website: https://www.bravelygray.com/
Instagram: @bravelygray
YouTube: @bravelygray
Website: https://www.joshsalesfilms.com
Instagram: @joshsalesfilms
Instagram: @blombergmusicproductions
Website: https://www.blombergmusicproductions.com
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“I love this song so much! Seeing these young people share their talents, testimonies, and light fills me with the Spirit and gives me hope. The lyrics are incredibly touching, and I struggle to even find a line that is my favorite because they are all that good.”
Music Video Children’s Original
Thanks & Giving
Angie Killian (Songwriter)
Bravely Gray (Joelle Einerson) (Songwriter)
Allie Gardner (Songwriter)
Monica Scott (Songwriter)
Soloists: Norena Fuamatu, Carter Killian, Janey Killian, Isaac Einerson, Lincoln Mortenson, Ruby Stevens, & Afton Stevens
Additional vocals: Sierra Lyn, Colette Haderlie, & Alexa Gruwell
Piano/String Arrangement: Daniel Blomberg
Guitars – James Stevens
Videography – Josh Sales
Expand for social media links
Website: https://angiekillian.com
Facebook: / angiekillianm; Instagram: @angiemaek
Website: https://www.bravelygray.com/
Instagram: @bravelygray; YouTube: @bravelygray
Facebook: Facebook.com/AMGMusic101; Instagram: @alliemichelemusic; Youtube: / alliemgardner
Website: https://www.alliegardnermusic.com/
Website: http://www.monicascottmusic.com
Facebook: / monicascottm.; Instagram: @monicascottmusic
YouTube: / monicascottmusic
Website: https://www.joshsalesfilms.com
Instagram: @joshsalesfilms
Website: https://www.voxfoxproductions.com/
Instagram: @voxfox2
Facebook/Instagram: @blombergmusicproductions
Website: https://www.blombergmusicproductions.com
Website: https://www.aberdeenlane.com/
Facebook: / imjstevens; Instagram: @james_stevens_1
YouTube: / @aberdeenlane
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“It encourages children and adults to turn to Christ with gratitude. It’s all about living our lives in service, living in a way like Jesus did – a spirit of Thanks & Giving”
He Prepares a Way
Angie Killian: co-songwriter
Blake Gillette: co-songwriter
Josh Sales: videographer
Alyssa Harper: Illustrator
Daniel Blomberg: arranger/orchestrator
Becky Williard: Music Engineer
Expand for social media links
Website: https://www.angiekillian.com
Facebook: / angiekillianmusic
Instagram: @angiemaek
YouTube: / angiekillianmusic
Website: https://www.blakegillettemusic.comEmail: [email protected]
Facebook: / blakegillettemusic
Instagram: @gillette.blake
YouTube: Blake Gillette
Website: https://www.joshsalesfilms.com
Instagram: @joshsalesfilms
Facebook: / blombergmusic
Instagram: @blombergmusicproductions
Website: https://www.blombergmusicproductions.com
Becky: Website: https://www.voxfoxproductions.com/
Website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PrimaryIllu…
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“He Prepares a Way takes a step back to look at The Book of Mormon as a whole and ask “What is the overarching theme that God is trying to teach us through these histories, people, and their stories?” We believe the singular message tying these stories together is the fact that God will prepare a way for those who put their full trust in Him. And in particular, He will through his covenantal relationship with his children who trust him enough to make that sacred promise. We want all of the young children to know the people in The Book of Mormon and have that one line about that person from the song come to their remembrance in times of trouble, doubt, depression, or fear…and remind them to stay true to their trust that God has prepared a way for them even though they may not be able to see it at that moment.”
The Liahona
Music/Lyrics: Angie Killian
Arrangement: Daniel Blomberg
Recording/Mixing/Mastering: Becky Willard
Soloists: Janey Killian, Carter Killian, Abigail Lervold
Videography: Josh Sales
Artwork: Alyssa Harper
Expand for social media links
Website: https://angiekillian.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @angiemaek @AngieKillianMusic
Website: https://www.joshsalesfilms.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @joshsalesfilms
Etsy: primaryillustrations.etsy.com
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @blombergmusicproductions
Website: https://www.blombergmusicproductions.com
Website: https://www.voxfoxproductions.com/
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @voxfox2
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This song echoes the prophet’s counsel to “Hear Him.” I love the power in the chorus the most, and the scenery, children, and artwork is stunning.”
Religious Music Video Cover/Arrangement
Faith of Our Fathers
Alex Sharpe (vocalist)
Emily Olsen Rust (violin)
Produced by Scott Wiley, June Audio
Arrangement by Jonathan Wing
Irish Translation by Coleman Curran
Executive Producer: Jonathan Wing
Producer: Devan Levar Butler
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This video and arrangement of “Faith of Our Fathers” brought a renewed loved of this hymn and message to build on the faith and testimony of those who came before. The history of the song ties back Irish history but the song has never been sung in Irish before. Translated by Coleman Curran of Galway Ireland and sung by Irish vocalist Alex Sharpe, this arrangement is a piano and violin accompaniment that contains soaring melodic lines that complement the vocals in such a way that lifts your spirit! The video was filmed in the Grand Causeway in Northern Ireland and on the beaches of Hawaii – which are the homelands of Elder and Sister Gong who keynoted at RootsTech 2023 for Family Discovery Day (of which this video/musical number took part).”
Gratitude | BYU Vocal Point (Brandon Lake Cover)
BYU VOCAL POINT (2023–24):
Christian Affleck, Jensen Diederich, Sterling Stowell, Josh Thorne, David Gaag, Hyrum Jackson, Jack Nelson
Artistic Director: Carson Trautman
Producers: Ben Fales, BYU Vocal Point, Carson Trautman
Directors: Carson Trautman, Spencer Murray
DP, Editor, Colorist: Spencer Murray
Wardrobe Stylists: Cardin McKinney & Christian Affleck
H/MU: Cardin McKinney
Key Craft: Jules Clark
Benjamin Hastings, Dante Bowe, Brandon Lake
Arranged by Carson Trautman
Producer: Carson Trautman
Executive Producer: Ben Fales
Mixing Engineer: Ed Boyer
Mastering engineer: Troy Sales
Facebook: / byuvocalpoint
Instagram: / byuvocalpoint
TikTok: / byu.vocalpoint
Website: byuvocalpoint.com
YouTube: @vocalpointbyu
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“BYU Vocal Point performs this meaningful song and expresses their love for God through beautiful music. The Vocal Point members share and embrace their talents to bring the world together in praise and love. They continue to strive to make the world a better place through song and this song in particular has received a lot of love from friends all over the world. The impact it’s had emphasizes gratitude for Heavenly Father and for one another.”
Master The Tempest is Raging – Music Video
Stuart Edge – Director, Producer Editor, Abby Elwood – Musician, Jacob Quilter – Videographer
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“In 2023, Stuart Edge and Abby’s paths intertwined following Abby’s heartbreaking loss of her brother and father. Inspired by Abby’s resilience amidst grief, Stuart embarked on a heartfelt mission to create a video honoring her family’s story. Through poignant storytelling and tender visuals, the video emerged as a testament to love’s enduring strength and the courage to persevere in the face of loss. It beautifully captures the journey of moving forward while honoring cherished memories, serving as a touching tribute to Abby’s unwavering spirit and the lasting impact of her loved ones. This heartfelt creation encapsulates the power of remembrance and the profound connection between past, present, and future.”
Secular Music Video Cover/Arrangement
All These Things That I’ve Done (A Cappella Cover) | Amplify and Lumina of Rise Up Children’s Choir
Music and Lyrics by Brandon Flowers of The Killers; Vocal Arrangement by Amy Lynn Whitcomb; Music Direction by Bronwyn Jensen and Amy Lynn Whitcomb; Recording, Mixing and Mastering by Scott Shattuck; Performed by Amplify and Lumina of Rise Up Children’s Choir; Music Video Directed by Amy Oakeson; Director of Photography Josh Sales
Producer: Rise Up Children’s Choir
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“At Rise Up, we inspire young people to uplift, entertain, and transform our world through music. Amplify and Lumina collaborate in this stunning rendition of Brandon Flowers seminal song, All These Things That I’ve Done, originally performed by The Killers. Brandon Flowers inspiration for this song was Matt Pinnfield, Vice President of A & R for Columbia records, and his work with the United States Army mentoring musician soldiers returning from the Iraq War who were wounded or stricken with PTSD. With this music video, released for Veteran’s Day, Amplify and Lumina pay tribute to all soldiers and veterans who serve our country with honor, and those who continue to battle demons and combat mental health issues daily. (Two of the soloists in this song, Ammon Jones and Kenzington Anderson, have parents who are current active members in the United States military.) This music video was filmed on location and in collaboration with the Utah State Hospital, a mental health treatment facility located in Provo, Utah. In conjunction with the filming of this music video, Rise Up Children’s Choir has worked with USH and the Hospital Chaplain, Spencer Cooper, to provide the joy, hope, and healing powers of live music to patients of all ages through a series of concerts held at the site’s chapel and amphitheater.”
Cruella de Vil | BYU Vocal Point (From the album Magic: Disney Through Time)
BYU VOCAL POINT (2022–23):
Christian Affleck, Alex Brown, Zack Dalley, Jensen Diedrich, David Gaag, Seth Garff, Hyrum Jackson, Nathan Moser, Jack Nelson; Artistic Director: Carson Trautman
Producer: Willem Kampenhout
Director: David Liddell Thorpe
Executive Producers: Ben Fales, Carson Trautman
Cruella: Cailee Dyer
Wardrobe Stylist: Cardin McKinney
Wardrobe Stylist: Christian Affleck
Wardrobe Assistant: Alyssa Fotheringham
H/MU: Heather Ohman
Key Craft: Kassidy Ohman
Asst. Craft: Jules Clark
Mel Levin; Arranged by Jonathan Meyers
Mixing Engineer: Ed Boyer
Mastering engineer: Troy Sales
Producer: Producer: McKay Crockett, Carson Trautman Executive Producer: Ben Fales VIDEO CREDITS Producer: Willem Kampenhout
Facebook: / byuvocalpoint
Twitter/Instagram: @BYUVocalPoint
TikTok: byuvocalpoint
Website: byuvocalpoint.com
YouTube: / @vocalpointbyu
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“BYU Vocal Point performs this Disney classic with lots of smiles to share. This cover is appreciated by many and is guaranteed to make one want to join in and show off their favorite dance moves. The quality of this video indicates the time and effort placed on the staff and performers in hopes to bring joy to the lives of the viewers and listeners.”
Sanctuary from Nashville (Cover) | Lumina of Rise Up Children’s Choir
Words and Music by Jill Andrews, Gary Nicholson and Sarah Siskind
From the television series “Nashville”
Vocal Arrangement and Musical Direction by Amy Whitcomb
Recorded by Amy Whitcomb
Mixing and Mastering by Scott Shattuck
Performed by Lumina of Rise Up Children’s Choir
Soloists (in order of appearance): Eliza Parry, Halia Knighton
Produced by Rise Up Productions, LLC
Co-Directed by Amy Oakeson and Amy Whitcomb
Director of Photography and Editing: Josh Sales
Producer: Rise Up Children’s Choir
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Our world, especially for teenage girls, can be a dark place. They are constantly bombarded by foul language, obscene imagery, sexual solicitations online, and bullying. Lumina of Rise Up Children’s Choir is a sanctuary for many, many teenage girls who find safe harbor with an incredibly caring leader named Amy Whitcomb, and other like-minded girls who dare to be different and let their talent shine. These amazing young women have changed and grown as a unique and exceptional group. As our Rise Up 2022-2023 season came to a close, some of the girls graduated and moved on, but they will never forget the time they’ve had together and the beautiful music they created and shared with the world. The day we filmed this music video was projected to be beautiful, and the girls opted to shoot it outdoors in the cherry groves around the Capitol Building, referencing the origins of sanctuary. Halfway through the shoot, a powerful rainstorm moved in, and the girls had to seek shelter inside as the rain pelted down. They almost had to abandon the shoot, and were looking at dates to reschedule. However, the storm quickly subsided, the sun came streaming out, and a rainbow appeared. All of the beautiful shots of the girls in the midst of the pink cherry blossoms were filmed after the storm. That whole video shoot became both a metaphor for the song and the girls lives. Together they experienced trials and tribulation, but they weathered it all and came out on the other side stronger and radiant. While this song is not a religious song, the spiritual implications and uplifting message, as well as the girls performance, are certainly praiseworthy.”
Praiseworthy Awards—Arts Winners
Original Religious Music
Born to Bring Us Joy
Music & Lyrics by Angie Killian
Soloists: Janey Killian, Titan Mitchell, Carter Killian, Lydia Sheranian, & Alaina Killian
Additional vocals: Sierra Lyn, Kate Taylor, & Ariah Gashler
Arrangement: Daniel Blomberg
Recording, Mixing, Mastering: Becky Willard
Videography/Editing: Josh Sales
Video Concept/Directing: Angie Killian
Costuming: Angie Killian & Lila Christensen
Producer: Becky Willard
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This is the sweetest children’s Christmas song. Combining classic sound with more modern lyrics, it points people to marvel at Christ’s birth and mission.”
Come Back
Hinge Point – lyrics and music, arrangement
Vox Fox Productions – arrangement, recording, production, mixing, mastering
Blomberg Music Productions – arrangement
Producer: Vox Fox Productions
@hingepointmusic, youtube.com/@hingepointmusic
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“This song is for those who feel like they are alone and that no one gets their situation. Jesus gets us and He can help us through whatever we are going through. His hands are always outstretched and there is always an open invitation for us to Come Back.”
I’m a Disciple of Jesus Christ – Youth Theme 2024 Wayne Burton – feat Celeste Knudsen
Songwriter and Producer: Wayne Burton
Vocalist: Celeste Knudsen (Denmark)
Arrangement: Daniel Blomberg
Mixing: Michael Greene
Producer: Huge Music
Facebook: wayneburtonmusic
Instagram: wayneburtonmusic
Twitter: wayneburtoninfo
TikTok: @wayneburtonmusic
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“I’m a Disciple of Jesus Christ is a youth song inspired by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 2024 worldwide youth theme. The song emphasizes the personal strength and direction that discipleship endows on followers of Christ. It reaches youth in the context of their inward and outward struggles and reminds them where to look for strength. It also helps them realize that they are not alone and have strength with others who are also trying to live as disciples. The song features vocalist Celeste Knudsen from Denmark, who sang the Danish version of Wayne’s 2023 youth song a year earlier and now serves as a full time missionary in Europe.”
Religious Music Cover/Arrangement
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Performed by the Truman Brothers
Arrangement by Ben Truman & Chad Truman
Produced by Nate Pyfer
Electric Guitar by TJ Nokleby
BGVs by Kate Miller and Catherine Truman
Producer: Shadow Mountain Records
Website: www.trumanbrothers.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trumanbrothers/
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Ben & Chad Truman (as the Truman Brothers) did a fantastic job recording this classic Christmas hymn in a way that could lift and inspire modern audiences. While leaving the original melody intact, the arrangement and production allow for the sacred words to be heard and felt in a wholly new and refreshing way.”
He Is Risen!
Garth Smith (piano arrangement)
Becky Foster (“Alleluia” vocals)
Daniel Blomberg (strings arrangement)
Producer: G&D Productions
GarthSmithMusic.com, Garth.Smith.Music (FB), garth.w.smith (IG)
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“”He Is Risen!” is a beloved Easter hymn that is an expression of joy at the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although an instrumental piano piece, this arrangement includes repeated vocal proclamations of “Alleluia!”, which is a phrase used by Christians to praise and glorify God. “He Is Risen!” exemplifies the hope and triumph of all Christianity because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
Perfectly Loved
Hinge Point – vocals and arrangement
Vox Fox Productions – arrangement, recording, production, mixing and mastering
Producer: Vox Fox Productions
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“Knowing that God loves us no matter what is one of the most important truths in the universe. This knowledge is life changing and life saving. We were almost struck by lightning on 2 separate days when we were making the video for this song. The message of this song is powerful and one that the adversary would like to keep under wraps.”
Secular Music
Never Gonna Not Dance Again, performed by Amplify of Rise Up Children’s Choir
Words and Music by Alecia Moore, Shellback and Max Martin
Originally recorded and performed by P!NK
Vocal Arrangement and Musical Direction by Bronwyn Jensen
Recording, Mixing and Mastering by Scott Shattuck
Performed by Amplify of Rise Up Children’s Choir
Soloists (in order of appearance): Ryann Carlile, Annie Clarke, Edyn Armitage
Producer: Rise Up Children’s Choir
Instagram | @riseupchildrenschoir
Twitter | @riseupchildren
Facebook | facebook.com/riseupchildrenschoir
TikTok | @riseupchildrenschoir
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“At Rise Up, we inspire young people to uplift, entertain, and transform our world through music. Rise Up Children’s Choir’s Amplify is an advanced youth mixed voice a cappella ensemble. With this rendition of Pink’s “Never Gonna Not Dance Again,” the young singers of Amplify examined their lives in a post-COVID world. After having spend almost two years in lock-down and quarantine and missing many seminal events such as school dances, parties, church activities, church and temple attendance, graduations, and in-person school attendance, the students found an uplifting and inspiring song that expressed their feelings after of being held back and repressed during this dark time in our nation’s history. The joy of friendship and togetherness, the need for human interaction, and finally being able to “break free” and dance again, are all themes explored in this song. Amplify was recognized for the exceptionalism of this particular recording by Varsity Vocals, and was selected for their “Best of High School A Cappella” album. Amplify was also invited to participate in the International Championship of A Cappella, taking first place at quarter-finals for the western United States and advancing to the semi-finals of competition. At both the quarter final and semi-final rounds, the soloists were given the top award of “Outstanding Vocals,” above all other groups in the competition.”
Out of Time
Ellie Barry (solo)
Produced by Mike McClellan
Music and Lyrics by Jonathan Wing
Arrangement by Jonathan Wing and Mike McClellan
Producer: RootsTech | FamilySearch | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“The theme song for RootsTech 2024 was released months before the event as part of a campaign to help others know that their story matters. The lyrics are the voice of someone who is running out of time to tell a loved one how much they mean to them. Everyone who hears this song (1) feels something, (2) thinks of someone, and (3) feels the power and motivation to do something. The haunting melody and personal yet universal lyrics are sung by the up and coming Ellie Barry.”
Adassa (lead vocal)
Featuring Chad Truman and the One Voice Children’s Choir (supporting vocals)
Produced by Jason Graham
Music and Lyrics by Jonathan Wing
Arrangement by Stephen Nelson and Jonathan Wing
Producer: RootsTech | FamilySearch | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
What makes this work praiseworthy?
“In a time of so much division, a message of uniting is a powerful and important one. This ballad version of the pop theme song for RootsTech 2023 brought Disney star Adassa from Nashville, Chad Truman, and the One Voice Children’s Choir together for a memorable moment during RootsTech. They received a standing ovation for this arrangement that brought tears to many eyes and solidified the event’s theme of “Uniting.” The lyrics suggest that all have the capacity to foster unity and as we join together we can rise above it all!”
Join us on October 18 for a celebration of these amazing creators! Gala details.