2024 Master Classes
March 4–April 24, 2024
Enrollment is now closed.
Enrollment for our 2024 Master Classes has closed. But through March 11, 2024, you can still register for one piece of the Master Class package, at a fraction of the cost: our 6 Topics in Publishing modules.
These modules are designed to give authors the skills to refine their manuscript, publish their book, establish the foundation of their author brand, and build their marketing plan. Each module has two parts:
- A self-guided lesson (about an hour long) with templates, worksheets, and prerecorded videos, accessible any time during March, April, and May.
- A live Q&A with the module instructor (over Zoom). You are encouraged to complete the self-guided material before attending the Q&A. (All Q&As will be on Wednesday nights at 7–8 pm Mountain Time.)
Registration for these modules is only $79 and is open until Monday, March 11.
Brand Your Brain: Making Your Nonfiction Marketable Before You Start Writing

Eschler Editing
Q&A: Wednesday, March 13 • 7–8 pm Mountain Time
In the very earliest stages of creating your book or platform—even before you start writing—you should have a clear idea of who you’re talking to, what they need, and how your message will speak directly to those needs. These days, marketing is a matter of specificity, so in this module, you’ll learn the must-knows of getting your book, podcast, music, or other product into the hands that need it most.
Eschler Editing is an award-winning, Utah-based firm of editors. They have presented classes at the LDSPMA conference for several years.

Shanda Cottam
Q&A: Wednesday, March 20 • 7–8 pm Mountain Time
Whether you know you will self-publish or are still exploring your publishing options, this module will provide valuable information to help you along your self-publishing journey. Your end goals determine your self-publishing path, and what works for someone else may not work for you. In this module, you will learn more about what self-publishing involves, what you need to consider when designing and producing your book files, and distribution options for sending your book out into the world.
Shanda Cottam is an editor and project manager at Eschler Editing. She founded and was the moderator of a book review podcast and blog for over a decade. During that time, she discovered that writing, critiquing, and editing manuscripts was where she had the most fun. Shanda has served on conference committees, taught classes, and participated in panels at various local writing conferences. She’s currently working on a BA in Creative Writing and English.
Websites 101: Creating the Hub of Your Online Presence

Jeremy P. Madsen
Q&A: Wednesday, March 27 • 7–8 pm Mountain Time
Your website is the centerpiece of your digital brand. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it does have to be functional. This module will cover:
- Definitions of terms such as domain, hosting provider, landing page, lead magnet, HTML, “top of the fold,” SEO, analytics, conversions, and more.
- How your website should work in conjunction with the rest of your content and marketing strategy.
- How to use usability testing to improve your website’s structure and functionality.
- Best practices for making your website clean, responsive, and accessible.
Jeremy P. Madsen has managed the websites for several organizations, including LDSPMA; BK Authors, Inc.; Studia Antiqua; and Atrium of Light. He has also built websites for his personal writing, blogging, and editing businesses. Jeremy studied editing and design at BYU and was the editing team lead for BYU Continuing Education, where he helped prepare web-based content for over 50 high school- and college-level courses. He is currently the operations and marketing manager for LDSPMA.
Nail It! Three Tools to Master a Podcast Interview on Both Sides of the Microphone

Connie Sokol
Q&A: Wednesday, April 10 • 7–8 pm Mountain Time
Ready to rock your next interview, regardless which side of the microphone you’re on? Learn the top three tools of preparing for an interview that increase credibility and connection. Discover the must-dos to energize the episode and get a repeat request. Know how to handle difficult guests and bland hosts and how to engage the audience regardless of the topic. Create a podcast toolbelt that invites listeners to become superfans of your content!
Connie Sokol is a national speaker, bestselling author, TV and podcast personality, and mother of seven. She is a regular contributor on “Studio 5 with Brooke Walker” and the host of LDSPMA’s podcast, Called to Create.
She is the founder of Disciple Thought Leaders, and through leadership retreats she teaches women to find their purpose and fulfill it as influential speakers, writers, and a media presence for Him.
Connie is vice president of the National Speakers Association for the Mountainwest Chapter. She also marinates in time spent with her family and eating decadent treats. For her retreats, leadership circle, podcasts, and more, go to www.conniesokol.com.
How to Research Publishers and Prepare Your Query Plan

Bridget Cook-Burch
Q&A: Wednesday, April 17 • 7–8 pm Mountain Time
This module will cover the querying process for authors writing Latter-day Saint or general-interest works, including organizing your query letters, subscription options, free options, and DIY options. Participants will gain strategies for querying and ultimately feel prepared to navigate the publishing process successfully.
Bridget Cook-Burch’s clients call her “The Book Whisperer.” She is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, mentor, humanitarian, and speaker known for riveting stories of transformation. Her powerful work has been showcased on Oprah, Dateline, CNN, GMA, The History Channel, NPR and in People, among many others. As the CEO and founder of Your Inspired Story, she hosts Inspired Writer’s Retreats, group coaching, executive coaching, and more. Her greatest passion is helping you discover the importance of your story and become a leader in your own community and worldwide. Find out more at YourInspiredStory.com.
All About Editing

Victoria Passey
Q&A: Wednesday, April 24 • 7–8 pm Mountain Time
So you’ve finished writing your book. Now comes the dreaded next step: editing. But editing doesn’t have to be something we dread as authors. In this module, you will learn and practice principles of editing, including: (1) the levels of editing, (2) editing plans, (3) strategies for self-editing, and (4) when and how to hire a professional editor. At the end of the module, you will feel empowered to tackle your book edits head-on.
Victoria Passey works for Eschler Editing as an editor and project manager, specializing in editing LDS and general Christian nonfiction. She loves to help authors share their faith and spiritual insights through writing. She has a bachelor’s degree in English from BYU-Idaho, and currently lives in Idaho with her family.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is your cancellation and refund policy?
We will offer cancellations and full refunds through March 19. Email us at [email protected] to cancel and request a refund.
How many students will be attending the Q&A sessions?
We anticipate 10–20 attendees at each Q&A session.
How will the prerecorded materials be delivered?
The prerecorded content for each module will be hosted on a learning platform called Moodle. After you register, you will be sent instructions on how to access and use the Moodle site.
Will Q&A sessions be recorded?
Yes. Each of the Topics in Publishing Q&A sessions will be recorded and available to re-watch through the end of May.
Registeration is Now Closed
Topics in Publishing modules can be purchased until 11:59 pm on Monday, March 11.
Master Class enrollment price (now closed): $495
Topics-in-Publishing stand-alone price (now closed): $79