Location: BYU Conference Center and Harmon Continuing Education Building, Provo, Utah
Download a comprehensive schedule of breakout sessions (PDF) or see the digital version of our printed conference program.
Thursday, October 7
8:00 – 12:00: Morning Deep-Dive Workshops
- Developmental Editing for Fiction – Suzy Bills
- Preparing a Book Proposal and Finding a Publisher – Terri Branowski
- The Finances of Successful Publishing – Bryce Mortimer
- Social Media Marketing, Blogging, and Podcasting – Trina Boice
12:00 – 12:45: Lunch in 2260 (provided for those attending both a morning and an afternoon workshop)
1:00 – 5:00: Afternoon Deep-Dive Workshops
- Fiction Writing (with a Fantasy Emphasis) – Brandon Mull
- Power Storytelling Techniques to Captivate Readers – Bridget Cook-Burch
- Successful Self-Publishing – Laurisa White Reyes
- Book Marketing Blueprint – Michelle McCullough
- Marketing for Freelancers – Suzy Bills
See the map below for room numbers.
Friday, October 8
8:30 – 9:00 am: Registration and Informal Mingling Time
9:00 – 10:00 am: Opening General Session: Alex Boyé
10:10 – 11:00 am: Breakout Sessions
11:10 – 12:00 noon: Breakout Sessions
12:00 – 12:30 pm: Lunch (provided for all attendees)
12:30 – 1:10 pm: Lifetime Achievement Awards Ceremony
1:20 – 2:10 pm: Breakout Sessions
2:10 – 2:30 pm: Networking Time and Snack Break
2:30 – 3:20 pm: Breakout Sessions
3:30 – 4:20 pm: General Session: Lisa Mangum
4:30 – 5:30 pm: Mass Book and Media Signing
5:30 – 7:30 pm: Screening of Remembering Heaven Award-Winning Film and Conversation with Executive Producer of Film
Saturday, October 9
8:30 – 9:00 am: Registration and Informal Mingling Time
9:00 – 10:00 am: General Session: Derral Eves
10:10 – 11:00 am: Breakout Sessions
11:10 – 12:00 noon: Breakout Sessions
12:00 – 12:30 pm: Lunch (provided for all attendees)
12:30 – 1:10 pm: Praiseworthy Awards Ceremony
1:20 – 2:10 pm: Breakout Sessions
2:20 – 3:10 pm: Closing General Session: Laurel Christensen Day
3:20 – 4:00 pm: Mass Book and Media Signing
4:00 – 5:30 pm: LDSPMA Annual Leadership Meeting (anyone invited to attend)
After the Conference
Recordings of the breakout sessions, award ceremonies, and keynote sessions will be made available shortly after the conference and will be available through November 30.
Friday and Saturday Map

Thursday Map